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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Berlin Police Chief Forced To Shoot Rabid Raccoon

BERLIN — Providing clear evidence of an ongoing, summer-long rabies problem in northern Worcester County, an aggressive raccoon shot and killed by Berlin Police Chief Arnold Downing in a residential backyard on Burley Street on Tuesday morning has tested positive for the disease.

Police began tracking the aggressive raccoon early Tuesday morning in the area of Worcester Preparatory School and followed the animal throughout much of the morning before Downing ultimately shot and killed it in a backyard on Burley Street around 11 a.m. Downing said the raccoon had traveled a great distance through areas heavily populated with residents, including children, and pets.


  1. forced is a funny word to use. should say. Berlin Police Shoots Rabid Raccoon. no if ands or buts about this one. common sense. shoot the raccoon and ask questions later. duh

  2. A slow crime day in Berlin when the Police Chief himself is the lead gunner on a raccoon hunt. Is it because he's the only cop in Berlin that's allowed to carry more than one bullet? And they didn't bring out the helicopter, back up from the State Police, or set up road blocks in a "stop or die" dragnet? They didn't even give this "operation" a macho, scary military moniker to make themselves feel really tough and citizens cower in awe? Maybe "Operaton Dragonclaw", or "Operation DeathSweep"? Probably saving THEM for the military campaigns planned for the end of summer tourist money grab --- for their "safety" of course....

  3. Most of Salisbury aggression comes from gang control

  4. @ Imclain...

    I can only assume that you have been arrested by Berlin Police for you to say such idiotic things.

  5. No, No, No, raccoon!

  6. None of the other officers didn't want the hassle of all the paper work associated with discharging their firearm so the chief had to do it.


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