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Monday, August 12, 2013

Arizona Sheriff Arming Deputies With AR-15 Style Rifles To 'Fight Back' Against Criminals

An Arizona sheriff is arming his deputies with AR-15-style assault rifles to give them “enough firepower to fight back” against criminals who he says are carrying increasingly dangerous weapons.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio made the announcement on Thursday, the same day one of his employees, 27-year-old Jorge Vargas, was gunned down as he walked into his driveway to head to work.

"We live in a violent society, even here in Maricopa County, and across our nation, and the least we can do is to arm our deputies…,” Arpaio said, according to Fox 10 News. "My deputies will carry guns 24 hours a day, even off duty. If they see any incident occurring, they will take action anywhere in this valley."


  1. Yeah...those .223's couldn't take down a soaking wet 70LB Vietnamese gorilla. But they'll stop these massive Americans? gtfoh.

  2. 1:50 I agree in terms of 80% of our military, but in the hands of the right person, a .22lr will do the trick.

    I just hate how they try to make these guns all fancy, when the people using them have no clue of what their using. Going "operator" mode on an AR15 is ghey.

    Like the NY police in a standoff, using AR's with their magnifiers on backwards... yeah, way to waste more money. A $800 KISS rifle is far better.

  3. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 12, 2013 at 5:32 PM

    Sherriff Arpaio made the GOOD CALL.

  4. I want one, too, with standard 30 round magazine(s)!


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