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Sunday, August 18, 2013

America's Educational Madness

Imagine you were the CEO of something called "American K-12 Public Schools" and it was the annual Board meeting. With everyone assembled, the firm's Chief of Research distributed this one-page "progress" report (Chart prepared by Andrew Coulson of the Cato Institute and derived from the US Department of Education "Digest of Educational Statistics," and NAEP tests, Long Term Trends, 17-year olds):



  1. been singing this tune for 40 years. get your children out of public/government schools NOW !!! what are you waiting for???

  2. Goverment at its best.

  3. I would prepare to be fired for incompetence - or provided with the tools to improve the graph for the next presentation.

    Keep in mind the changes required to reverse the trends will be radical...getting rid of excess overhead (administrators / school boards - essentially anyone that does not teach classes), underperforming teachers...while bringing in performance metrics measurement processes to determine where additional improvements can be made.

    The marginal staff and unions would fight this - as would the overhead staff....but if you wanna change the curve.....

  4. The simple truth is, there have always been and will always be some kids that are either unwilling or unable to "make the grade". Having a teacher have to spend so much time on so few students to try to make sure that they are "not left behind", leaves the higher performing students twiddling their thumbs.


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