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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Alabama’s New Gun Law: What You Need To Know

TENNESSEE VALLEY, (WHNT) - As the date for the beginning of Alabama’s new gun law draws near, many questions remain about what exactly the changes mean for residents who want to carry a gun.

Set to take effect on August 1, the bill clarifies some of Alabama’s existing gun laws and adds several new provisions for the carrying of a pistol.

“I think that the open carry blanket statement is painting it with a broad brush. There are limitations out there. I think it is the responsibility of every gun owner to educate themselves about the law,” said Madison County Chief Deputy Chris Stevens.



  1. These are common sense laws. It will never happen in Maryland because of liberal Democrats. But O'Malley is happy because today it rained a bunch of tax money. It must have rained 2" in Delmar. That's 2" of dollar bills for O'Malley. That is ok with Mathias, Cane, and Conway as well. They will get a raise when the rest of us are sucked dry.

  2. I am sure, 2:40, that Alabama would love to increase their population.

  3. 3:41
    So true and thanks for paying more taxes as some of us have gone to FL where there is no state income tax, rain tax, flush tax, etc. Don't get to excited that we left you liberals to wallow in MD, we still own plenty of property and rentals. It is nice to enjoy our waterfront homes during the summers and not pay MD income tax.

  4. 3:41 I don't understand your comment. Do you mean to say that self defense is against the law? And, what does increase their population have to do with a carry permit? If you look at the stats, States that have carry permits have less crime. Go suck your thumb, crybaby

  5. Wow, I'll have to look in to moving there! Freedom AND safety! Hope the economy is better there than here in Taxland.

  6. God blessed Alabama today!


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