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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Activists Plan Million Muslim Washington March For 9/11

The American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) is making its "Million Muslim March" on September 11th in Washington, DC an annual event - complete with conference and

"We American Muslims reject violence and terrorism, and defend the Constitutional rights of all Americans," says MD Alam, founder of AMPAC. "Every year on September 11th, beginning in 2013, we will be marching in Washington DC as we build toward our goal
of bringing one million American Muslims to march in our nation's

AMPAC's first annual event kicks off this September 11th, as Muslims and non-Muslims join together in Washington, DC for the Million American March Against Fear. "Both Muslims and
non-Muslims have been victimized by the politics of fear," Alam says. "We reject fear and the divide-and-conquer politics it inspires. We want to bring Americans together under the Bill of Rights to work for a better future."



  1. These people who decide this must be ROCKET SCIENTIST!

  2. Round them all up at once......

  3. If they are not trying to make a power play why did they choose that date?

  4. Round 'em up and move 'em out - just have the buses lined up!

  5. There should be a 2 million anti muslim march then too! Armed if necessary.

  6. c o s crock of ...

  7. ladies, don't forget your Burka

  8. Obama leading that march?

  9. Religion is the root of all evil. Without religion, the world would be a better, and much safer, place to live.

  10. I would swear I was reading an Ob' speech.. Maybe so.

  11. Another spit in the eye of America. We should look at the Muslims who march and see if OweBama is tapping their phone. If this march gets out of control, America could experience a defining moment.

  12. Great! America....

  13. Isn't this a slap in the "true" american face??? They pick a day to march when muslims on that date destoyed two plane, two massive buildings and thousands of lives. I want my country back!

  14. It's not just the extremists. Wake up people!

  15. I wonder if they will allow their women to attend this event since they think females should not have the same rights as men.

  16. A country divided will not stand.

  17. They should be blocked from entering the city, as it has the potential of inciting violence. same as westboro baptist cult.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Religion is the root of all evil. Without religion, the world would be a better, and much safer, place to live.

    August 17, 2013 at 8:08 AM

    I bet you would be praying to God for mercy when one to those Muslim thugs puts a piece of sharp, cold steel across your throat. Remember Nick Berg.

  19. Anonymous said...
    They should be blocked from entering the city, as it has the potential of inciting violence. same as westboro baptist cult.

    August 17, 2013 at 11:51 PM

    Why? You have already set the precedent when you allowed the Muslim to enter the White House.

  20. So let me get this straight, you constitution lovers..... you are are against the right of american citizens to peaceably assemble and petition for redress of grievances? You are either hypocrites or bigots or both. My money is on both.

  21. Anonymous said...
    So let me get this straight, you constitution lovers..... you are are against the right of american citizens to peaceably assemble and petition for redress of grievances? You are either hypocrites or bigots or both. My money is on both.

    August 18, 2013 at 12:12 PM

    Constitution lovers? You are obviously anti-American. You need to be tried and shot for treason against this country. If you don't like the U.S. Constitution then I suggest you get your little hypocrite a$$ out.

  22. 12:12 too funny....too full of yourself....

  23. Constitution lover? Is that a bad thing to you? You are the kind of fool that put the Marxist Muslim in the White House. If you hate the constitution you should be loving him. Muslim extremists are enemies of our country. You may have forgotten the 3000 deaths at 9/11 and countless murders these people have committed in the name of their God. To fight an enemy of your country does not make you a bigot. To say you love your country and the enemy of your country makes YOU a hypocrite. To support an enemy actually makes you a traitor. There are many people left in this country that do not like traitors (to put it mildly).

  24. 12:12, most of these people believe the Constitution only applies to white Christian heterosexual males.

  25. 1:51 no the constitution applies to all equally. that includes eric holder the attorney general, Obama the potus Hillary Clinton, bill Clinton, tim geitner the tax cheat. on and on and on. so when you scream about the Christian heterosexual males look in the mirror and see who is the bigot. maybe if you would expect the same of your leaders then maybe we can talk about something. in the mean time I will pray for you

  26. Thank you 1:51. Talk about going over someone's head...

  27. Anonymous said...
    12:12, most of these people believe the Constitution only applies to white Christian heterosexual males.

    August 18, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    Another homosexual pansy heard from. It that you Jim Ireton or you Chuck Cook?

  28. Lets all go and show them how much we DON'T care. Everybody bring your grills, hibachis, webers, smokers etc and cook them a lot of really great PORK BBQ, chops, robs, bacon, fried bologna ....you know...the stuff that produces a LOT OF PIG SMOKE. Let the heavenly aromas drift over the crowd and they can BREATH IN all the wonderful flavors. After they start to become really hungry we can enjoy our meals in front of them.....or CHARGE THEM A MODEST PRICE for a bite or two.

  29. 1:51 You just don't get it. Too bad. You need to educate yourself instead of throwing out generalizations that don't mean anything.

  30. The irony on display in this thread is mind bending.

  31. 1:51 PM is a Muslim Lover.

  32. I agree, round them up and ship them out. One way ticket for all, including the Kenyan residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

  33. on september 10th we need to have the 1st annual bacon festival in DC


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