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Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: PRMC CEO Pay

I read the DT article regarding Peggy's astronomical amount of pay. I have a few points to make. Peggy's Reduction in Pay:
The article states that over the last year the hospital has seen a drastic reduction in revenue and seen their profit margin cut in half. 

The article then states that as a way to compensate, CEO Peggy took a reduction in pay; a whooping $8,000. She went from making $797,000 to $791,000 or a mind-blowing .01%. 

How can she be Chief Executive and be at the helm during a time when the hospital saw their revenue and profit margins cut in half (29 million to 14 million) and she only lost .01% in her pay?

The article clearly states that she receives such a handsome salary because the hospital is so successful in profit making, high revenue, recruitment, retention, and patient satisfaction. However, as we all know, the hospital has lost revenue, they have lost profit, patients are NOT happy, and they can't recruit and retain enough employees to fully staff the hospital. 

Why does everyone else suffer financially and psychologically while CEO Peggy only gets a .01% reduction in pay?
Charitable Contributions to the Community:
What's the last thing you can remember PRMC, the Board, or Peggy doing to better the community? The answer is NOTHING! And according to the article, the Board and Peggy think that is just fine. PRMC doesn't care about the community. 

PRMC claims taking care of patients and employing 3,000+ employees is charity. Dearest PRMC nurse, you are a "charity case" according to your Chief Executive. 

Peggy received the 14th highest rate of pay across the state hospitals while PRMC was 4th worst for charitable contributions to the community. 

(This is important):
And I will have you know; the majority of "charitable contributions" from PRMC are funded directly by the employees through voluntary payroll deductions and contributions that are rounded up by PRMC and donated solely in the name of PRMC. The charitable contributions are at no expense to PRMC! 

PRMC does NOT care about the community. Did you know, if you are there visiting a family member who was just involved in a major car accident and, you spend hours upon hours at your family member's bedside that the hospital will feed you BUT, they will add a $7 fee to your family member's hospital bill? That is completely true.
In closing, PRMC claims to offer an outstanding product by claiming to be the BEST REGIONAL HOSPITAL ON MARYLAND'S EASTERN SHORE. They will throw that around like it is going out of style BUT, did you know, PRMC is the ONLY regional hospital on Maryland's Eastern Shore? (The other hospitals on the Eastern Shore are NOT considered REGIONAL hospitals. They are called community hospitals.)

PRMC claimed to be one of the best 100 hospitals in the country BUT, did you know, PRMC had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to say that. They PAID HealthGrades to say that. 

The Junior Board at PRMC claims to operate solely to raise funds for the ER. I beg you to ask an ER employee, where has the Junior Board money gone? Their answer will be, "I don't know!" Simply because, it doesn't go to the ER! 

Did you know that people, companies, and organizations do make charitable contributions to PRMC? Did you know that every penny (and then some) is spent on paying Peggy's salary? They move money around and say the money is going to upgrading the Operating Room or Emergency Room BUT every single penny that is donated to PRMC by the people who live and work here is ALL spent on paying Peggy. PRMC received $173,000 in contributions, Peggy received $797,000 in pay. EVERY penny donated went into Peggy's pocket!
The bottom line: Peggy only sees PRMC as a way to line her pockets with cash. She doesn't care about the community or charities. Regardless of what the article says, her pay is not based on performance. And finally the employees and patients are NOT happy. 
Save your money, save your life, do not make PRMC your choice for healthcare. 
I'm going elsewhere


  1. Feeding Family visitors is stupid and a waste of money. If your hungry go out and eat. Hospital also has a dinning room to eat in. And I thought running school dinning rooms all summer was funny. Freaking welfare state.

  2. PRMC' and Peggy are a complete embarrassment as an
    Example of a hospital.

  3. wow the person who wrote this does not know math, is 1%, not .01%

  4. Yes, it is 1% but the more important message is that there are many, many employees that are very dissatisfied. It is them who take care of our needs when we have the need to be admitted to PRMC not Peggy. As a resident of Wicomico County I am concerned about all of this dissatisfaction.

  5. Do you think there will not be problems where you go? CEOs make big bucks in any type of business and there are always complaints on their salaries. If Peggy is fired, or retires will the next CEO at PRMC make any changes? Displeased nurses do have options but often the grass ends up no greener on the other side of the fence. There is no perfect job.

  6. 8:39 is your name Peggy or are you one of her cronies?

  7. She should be embarrassed to show her face..oh wait a minute..we never see her on the floor unless there is a VIP as a patient. Even then she can't speak to you. Giving respect gets respect.

  8. Patient care should be what is most important here. I'm hearing little to nothing about that. Unhappy employees don't do good work. There are not enough nurses...pay is not what it should be YET nurse can be offered double time to work extra shifts. Why not pay them the wage that they deserve and have EARNED so you aren't having to pay double time to get enough nursing coverage. If smaller hospitals can pay nursing staff more than PRMC - something is wrong in the way PRMC manages its budgets. Too much fat somewhere, A CEO who isn't fixing problems and sees profits fall on their watch would be a good place to start. By the way, constantly socializing with the affluent does not make you a leader of the people in makes you a snob.

  9. My name isn't Peggy and I might have not made myself clear but I support the staff and yet I know they are dissatisfied. It is concerning if the dissatisfaction will affect patient care, not intentionally but due to unhappiness.

  10. i knew they hsd to pay for that 100 best hospitals tag. much like salisbury's greatest little towns...

  11. To have a pay as such...she should better STAFF, ORGANIZE and EQUIP that ER! I am only one of a dozen people who had this experience...on this particular day that I went for a back injury, I was brought in by ambulance and immediately getting there I was put in the waiting room for 4 HOURS! to only have them run an xray and tell me to get rest...I went in that hospital, by ambulance, at 3pm and finally left that nite at 8:05pm..I will die before I go there again...Her salary is outrageous compared to the level of service provided to patients, who seem to be the ones supplying the funds for her salary....so I can only imagine how they treat their staff...PRMC is a joke...

  12. You know what's hilarious? Peggy had me fired for saying that we had to pay for that Top 100 hospital rating. That Pig said that was being negative

  13. Well said, 9:37 am!! PRMC has all the nicest, state of the art aestetics, but very very few good physicians!! Having just been to Hopkins, believe me, PRMC should NOT be on the Best Hospital list by a long shot!! I believe most of us on the shore would rather see larger pay for medical staff than for a pretty exterior.

  14. Ya'll simply don't get it.
    The CEO's job is to make money. Period.
    The more money they make the more they line theirs and their friends pockets. That is all their job is. Reality is they simply do not care a rats behind about you.
    They delegate other responsibilities to Managers.
    The CEO then puts pressure on the Managers to cut back to make more money. The more money they save, the more money the managers make.
    So where do they save all this money?
    Employees. They screw the employees. Less wages, more work. Less benefits, more costs to employees.
    The writer bring up the most valid point.
    CEO makes lots of money because the company was profitable, but then again the company is now crying poor.
    So which is it? Can't have it both ways.
    So quit criticizing the writer because they made the only valid point in all of this debate.
    Sure it sucks that the CEO makes millions but the problem goes way beyond that and one has to look down the chain of command to see where else in line there are issues.
    Your whole management chain is just as guilty, (if not more,) of screwing the employees as she is.

  15. Re: 8:19 AM Food Comment

    If a patient needs family at bedside, or family needs/desires to stay then eating in the room is best option. That said, $7.00 seems fair for what is essentially room service.

    Jr. Board & cafeteria have some restrictions on their hours and it means going down there. It would take even more time to find food outside & commercial hours are even more limited.

    Last two CEOs = way overpaid.

  16. I see her in the Junior Board on occasion. She never speaks.

  17. The Board of Trustees should be VERY concerned that there is so much controversy. The old saying "where there is smoke, there's fire" seems to apply here. Very disappointed in the Board that they are not helping make PRMC a beloved member of the community but a constant source of concern and discord. Board is NOT doing its job. Naleppa needs to answer to someone. Take a survey, most people in this town would rather go somewhere else for serious medical care - not PRMC. THIS, dear Board of Trustees, is a PROBLEM that you aren't addressing. DO YOUR JOB!

  18. I trust several doctors in the area, but when it comes to anything serious I'm headed over the bridge and at present AAMC is an excellent alternative.

  19. I wish I was her husband. Man, I would be wearing out the buttons on the tv remote!

  20. HOly Crap I cannot believe she makes that kind of salary--and find it even harder to believe that a useless idiot like Alan Newberry continues to get compensation as well. Charitable giving--what a joke! You were essentially FORCED to automatically donate outof your paycheck to the United Way as an employee, one of the WORST "non-profits" --most of the donations go to the Board and Staff. Who decides the amount for the salaries for Peggy and her regime?

  21. 10:35....I am not surprised. Her favorite thing is if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you as you leave. She is sneaky and poisonous to the staff. Oh and Cindy, Karen and Bruce Ritchie need to go too. They are all out of the same mold!!

  22. Peggy, Peggy, Peggy.....please read "The Toyota Way". You clearly have not read it. It does state that employees at all levels should be trainned and promoted from within the organization. So....where did you get the new Director of the ER? Maybe Kent General? and how about Cindy and Bruce and God forbit where in the hell did they find you? Teamwork LOL LOL LOL!!!

  23. He is 12:16 you don't think he works do you?

  24. funny to see some go to AAMC, the top-paid CEO on the list...

  25. I think it is a joke that Peggy's salary is compared to equal type of hospital in 14 states but the nurses salary is not compared to hospitals of PRMC's size or capabilities.. Nurses salaries are compared to small local hospitals in the area that don't even do a tenth of what PRMC does.. I think apples need to be compared to apples or her salary needs to be what the CEO's in the small local hospitals get... Plain and simple.. Stop being a money hog.. She could not run that hospital without the employees.. She better pray that a union never makes it into PRMC because things would take a drastic change for her and her paneling pooches !!

  26. I have a message for Mr. Neat and the Board of Trustees.

    Get over yourselves and stop being apologists for the hospital! You say "I think the community benefit of PRMC speaks for itself". Are you kidding? I am not sure if you are paying proper attention to what people are saying. Maybe you are too elitist to listen to comments from regular people but let me present you with some simple facts:

    1. The hospital compensation program is structured around the greed and corruption of the senior management. Profit is the real goal of the hospital not "Improving the care of the community we serve". Change your mission statement and revoke your non-profit status!

    2. The morale of the hospital staff is abysmal. They are tired of abuse and afraid of retribution and lack of accountability. This leads to a very bad workplace environment and poor patient care. A sure sign of poor management.

    3. The community is crying out for help. 75% of the comments on the recent PRMC posts have been negative; many of them describing in detail the poor care they have received at PRMC. This is another sign of poor management. If any one on the Board cares about people in the community you should be listening to what they are saying.

    4. You have assisted in the master plan of PRMC to achieve complete domination and monopoly of all health care delivery in our community. You stand idly by as the hospital eliminates all competition in a methodical step-by-step process. This makes all of the community vulnerable and dependent. It also makes your employees vulnerable and dependent. Maybe this is really your goal. Shame on you!

    5. Everyone knows the members of the Board of Trustees. Surely you cannot feel good about the current situation. It is time for you to wake up, listen to what people are saying and do your jobs!

  27. It would actually take her salary down to 789,000.00. She might not be able to pay her bills with that much of a cut. Regardless of what she makes, the most important thing is the patient care. Patient care should NEVER be compromised.

  28. its funny too, that PRMC pays Green Hill thousands of dollars a year for 10 employees to be members at the Golf club...

  29. 5:09 Green Hill "Country Club" is another joke, like PRMC and the "Greater Salisbury Committee."

  30. Profit margins?
    This is a "not for profit" organization

  31. I wouldn't send my dog to that place.

  32. Patient Care is being slowly dwindled down----this should not happen----they should be made to have so many staff per patient.
    Recently there---if not for family, after being sent to third floor---I would have had very little care & after a major operation too!!

  33. 3:49 = You nailed it. Couldn't agree more!!!!!! Board of Trustees has turned into a joke. I wouldn't want to be associated with that clown show. Obviously more interested in their own glory and resumes than this city and county. What a disgrace they are.

  34. If I were the Hanna or Guerreri family, I wouldn't want my name associated with that place. By the way, everyone has skeletons in their closets..maybe somebody should expose them! Just because you have a business doesn't mean you should be on the Board. Put practicing MD's, nurses and people that are in healthcare..not someone who is there just because they have money.

  35. But she is part of those 1% that creates jobs, right? She needs a lower tax rate? Isn't that what everyone on here argues for?

  36. The Board of Trustees are all about making money. They don't care about patients needs nor community concerns. This entire area with people in high places are about sucking every poor and middle class working families finance bone dry. Something big and bad is coming to this area. I just hope I am not here when it happen. Western shore, here I come.

  37. It would be very interesting to see how many of the trustees as members of the Greater Salisbury Committee.

  38. I have no doubt morale is bad, but it is NOT OK to take poor care of patients because of it. I personally know of quite a few incorrect diagnoses by the docs at PRMC. I know that nurses that have been fired from other local places are then hired at PRMC - that's scary! The entire staff, overall, is an absolute disgrace to the medical profession. Peggy Naleppa is poison.

  39. Joe, I work in Xray, and I'm almost certain that I'm being "let-go" as my department's 10% cut and all I want is for Peggy to bring her fat "you know what" down to my department and hand me my pink slip and to say she's sorry for failing us. But all of us in Radiology know Peggy loves OUR revenue, but doesn't like to share it. She'll send her "partner" to bag us.
    What's pathetic is there were three guys who warned all of us about the crap that is going down right now, and of course each of them was fired. Instead of joining our boss bad mouthing them, we should've listen to them. I know these guys are each still very successful in their fields at different BIGGER and HIGHLY RATED hospitals. PRMC......what a joke

  40. So nice of her to take that pay cut from $15,200 to $15,000 A WEEK. Thats $15,000 per week!

  41. What bothers me is that we had to wait a month to read news that Joe Albero has already published. The daily Times coverage on this is only whats easily viewable on the internet. We need Joe way more than we need that newspaper.

  42. Hey 8:41, I bet you're on of this Xray techs who for the past 20 yrs just sat on their a$$ and had a root growing out of it. Guess what, NO ONE will miss you!!!They will miss the laziness, but you know as well as I that Mike will just use Xray students to replace you, and the wheels will keep on spinning. In the Medical Imaging field, any experience over 6 yrs doesn't mean a darn thing. 8:41, with that attitude I'm sure you'll be on the unemployment line for a very long time. Just remember, the people you ticked off on the way up are the ones you'll meet on the way down

  43. I feel that Prmc has lost the respect of the community,,,,So much FLASH Metropolitan articles Fund raisers for the rich so called elite of the community!!! They flatter new employees and then stick the knife in slowly but they should leave and find a place to work where you have to work until you can get medicare because of poor retirement plans . As for families staying with patients THIS is a Necessity and they should be given a complimentary meal because without the family's help the patient would receive very little basic care. Maintaining basic hygiene and meeting basic emotional and comfort needs don't make money!!! Just do procedures etc etc Thats where the money is It is a sad state of affairs... Appearance and oppulance is everything now!!!

  44. You can't even get a bath while hospitalized anymore. only some dry rag bath that doesn't accomplish anything.Wonder why infection rate is up? Just another money saver to line pockets. In the cardiac rehab area now you don't get the cleansing cream to ensure good contacts for heart monitoring either. You just wipe with a alcohol pad and a dry piece of gauze. Wonder how much that saved. Cost of session didn't go down.

  45. Obama Crooked MotorsAugust 13, 2013 at 9:51 PM

    What is missing here is tje fact thati Peggy was given this kind of contract making $790,000 a year on the backs of regular employees. SOMEONE SIGNED THIS CONTRACT and SOMEOME IS SIGNIMG HER CHECK EVERY MONTH. PRMC is not private hpspital, it is classifỉd as NOT FOR PROFIT. Everyone on Board of Trustees needs to be fired, including Peggy.


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