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Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: Homeless?

This guy is always at the intersection by Walmart in Salisbury. We have been seeing him for the past 4-5 months. Later today saw him riding on a bicycle towards Delmar. Do you know if he is really homeless? He seems like he able to work. Do you think you can help him find a job?


  1. You can be sure he has a license to beg. Some of these beggars make a thousand $ a week.

  2. Job?? You've got to be kidding. Do you think he would give up his welfare money???

  3. Not homeless. He receives some form of disability payments too.

  4. My family and I have actually seen him when he is in front of target. We saw him drive away in a car! (Supposedly his girlfriends). He parks it quite a distance away . . . and when he walks when he is not begging for $$ he DOES NOT walk with a limp like he does when he hobbles up to the car windows!!! BEWARE!!

  5. By the way he even has a cell phone!!!

  6. He has an iPhone (or iPod touch) that he plays with when people aren't looking. He can afford cigarettes, he hides lit ones behind the sign when people are watching, takes a quick drag when people aren't.

    He's able to shower/bathe somewhere, the dirt on him looks perfectly applied.

    He likes to buy bottles of Mt. Dew, certainly not the most cost effective beverage. I can see the McD's teas that people might by for him, but doubt someone is going to a store and buying him bottles of dew.

    He seems fully able to work other than the limp that he plays to full advantage. I can't believe the number of people who give him money, all it does is encourage him.

  7. This guy is just one in an army of addicts and mental patients to rome the streets of Salisbury. This person panhandles everyday in the same place and rakes in the bucks. When he leaves he takes your money and buys alcohol and drugs. I know because I have followed him several times. He lives in various locations and one is in fact a home in Delmar. There is a man who has sat in a wheel chair panhandling in front of Royal Farms near Main St all summer. Three weeks ago he slipped up and was involved in a fight. He forgot his condition as he stood up and beat another man up. He stood quite fine as the police officer took the report. The public has no idea of how many of these panhandlers and homeless camps there are in the area. Most of them have addictions to cocaine, heroin and prescription drugs. The choose to live the way they do. The good citizens of our community only fuel the fire by donating to what they think are the needy. They flock here just like Washington DC, New York and others for the same reason. Population and opportunity to panhandle for their addictions. The next time you think about giving up your hard earned money just remember what I've said. Take the time and study what's going on around your city and who these people are. If you don't know just ask those who work the streets like our policemen and emergency workers. They know them on a first name basis and can tell you everything about them. Don't fuel the fire. Keep your hard earned money.

  8. Stop already!, This guy has a good gig and he is good at it. Doesn’t that acout for anything. As far as begging goes this guy could go around the country and start giving seminars to start up beggers or old beggers looking to increase their income. The ragged sign is such a great prop when for a couple bucks he could get a real nice one printed at Kinkos. You stand out there begging for a whole day,,,,it’s tough work. Just remember that we ALL have the choice of if we give or not. I choose not. Give a man a fish and he will look for you to give him another tomaarow,,,, teach a man to fish and he will win a bass tounament.

  9. I work in that shopping center. He has been there almost every day for over a year. The limp is fake, he can ride his bike with no problems.

  10. 9:34 That's what that old guy did... the one who had the white dog that recently passed away. Driving an explorer. Shameless a$$holes are the reason my charity stopped.

  11. Exactly 9:48! Do not enable addicts! It's unchristian! You do not help them when you give them things and you are NOT paving your own stairway to Heaven!

  12. no worse then the one in the wheel chair at the Royal Farm Store

  13. Here is how we can stop this. If everyone will go to him tomorrow with a can of car wax offer him $25.00 to hand wax your car. I bet he turns you down. There is another guy on a bike with a big fat belly. Please go to him tomorrow and offer home baked goods. He will turn you down. These guys make more begging than doing work. They don't want a job.

  14. You can't help those people because they don't want help. He could easily walk 50 yards down the street and go work at McDonald's but it's easier to stand on the side of the road with no shame taking people's money. I have no sympathy for this guy, I work two full time jobs and you want me to give you money for standing in the road, you can kiss my a**. He must not be too homeless if he has a bike and a different outfit on every time I see him.

  15. Too ugly to prostitute?

  16. Whats the difference between THEM and Laura Mitchell, sucking up welfare and subsidized housing while "representing" the people? She just waits for direct deposit. These guys hold a sign.

  17. the bigger questions is why do the police allow this to go on, for over a year? I am sure there are laws on the books prohibiting this, why are they not being enforced. if he had to give up his daily beggin money on fines, multiple fines, every day, he would leave.

  18. Isn't that median strip there for a reason? To separate traffic for safety? So how safe can it be for this clown to be standing there? Who will be liable if he gets struck by a vehicle? Simply put he is loitering in an unsafe location and needs to be told to move on!

  19. that old dude with the dog walked by my house a while back. Had my 8 year old daughter offer him some cans of tuna.

    he looked at her, threw them on the ground and kept walking.

    she learned a hard lesson that day that will stay with her forever

  20. Your all just jealous he's making a good living..... And the rest of you can't.

  21. You sound like a bunch who create excuses not to help anybody.Most of you are speculating as to his financial status,and if he's homeless,etc.You throw a barrage of negativity at this young man to alleviate any guilt you may feel.There are apparently a lot of atheists who visit this site.

  22. Why do people give these flim flam artists money. I have seen people giving them money and it makes me so angry. Why arent these people arrested?

  23. Where is the police enforcement.????

  24. Sorry guy I probably should have put my 11:30 comment under Laura Mitchell.

  25. Just before the election last year I gave him a sign to hold up that read "If you don't give me a dollar I'll vote for Obama". I watched from Applebeys parking lot and he was raking it in.

  26. The guy that used to work at Sams Club for a long time is now out walking the streets also. I see him all the time up and down Rt. 13What ever happened to the lady that stood on the corner of Main and Rt. 13 and preached all the time - haven't seen her in quite a while now.

  27. 2:15 Maybe the rapture took her away.

  28. The guy that used to work at Sam's Club is always at Barnes and Noble. He lays his head down on the table and sleeps alot.

    1. He also washes himself in the bathroom 3:57. It's not cool.

  29. If you want to help, give to charities, churches or other groups that help the less fortunate. Don't let someone make you feel guilty because you don't give directly to the homeless.

  30. I'am sure some won't work but I think that could be me someday you never know what may happen to you.

  31. If you give him anything, you are encouraging this. I just flip them off when I go by.

  32. Busted! I’m sure the Salisbury Slimes would probably be promoting a benefit for him.

  33. Hey, All, check out the dude at Zion Road at B13! Take a close look at the hands holding the sign! He's got not only rings and bracelets, but HE'S GOT A PROFESSIONAL MANICURE COMPLETE WITH FINGERNAILS PAINTED WITH LITTLE DESIGNS ON THEM!

    Yathink he's looking for work????

  34. 12:39 I dispise atheists, but please your moral, religious crap as well. Your church is no different than this bloke. Always has a hand out, then spends it on stuff that's not needed.

    I base my giving on what I see. So, when I pull up to that old guy with a dog, handing him a warm meal and some dog food, and he throws it on the ground and says money is better. Then, I see him by pemberton elementary, getting out of his explorer... yeah, I'm done.

    Your religion is the same, looking down on others who don't "believe", etc... you people hate hate hate others who don't conform to your way of thinking. Meanwhile, your "pastor" gets popped with a dwi, or with a hooker, or with a child.

    Get out of here with your crazy self.

  35. He could go to the cash for Gold place down the street and hold a sign and get paid.... He must be making more doing this !!!

  36. >>>You throw a barrage of negativity at this young man to alleviate any guilt you may feel.<<< And you can stuff your ignorant psycho babble. If this guy is a fraud then he is stealing from those who are truly needy. Fakes like this harden people to charity, and the deserving suffer for it.

  37. This guy and quite a few others stay in Woodcreek at 9188 club house. I think it is a shame they can scam people into thinking they can not work or are homeless. The lifestyle they live is a magnet for drugs and alcohol. The homeless camp in Delmar between Hardies and the clinic south of Hardies needs to be shut down. Sooner or later one of the residents will commit a crime worthy of investigation and everyone will be astonished that this can happen right in plain site.

  38. The only people who I donate to are homeless old men. I seen one back in 2007. Unlike this guy that old man got his life together and stopped begging and started working. I don't see him anymore but the last time I saw him he was mowing a lawn to making money telling me he go a job.

  39. Many of these people are not from here. If you live in salisbury you probably know of crazy Linda who walks 13 yelling at cars and of the lady that stands on the corner of 13 and main street along with many of the panhandlers. Ask them how they ended up here. Most will tell you peer connection. This is a program for dual diagnosed people. They are shipped in from all over. Then when they don't successfully complete the program they end up on our streets, not the ones they came from....all so peer connection can make money while destroying our community.

  40. What would you do for your belief system?

  41. Dude back off none of you know what his going though in his life and he really could be homeless you never know.. so back off and let the man get money to eat, god does not judge people for they're short comings and you shouldn't either... god loves all people and we should to.

  42. My policy is that charity starts at home.

  43. This guy may have been homeless last year, but is not anymore. My friends & family hunt the land behind Target. They encountered 3 homeless men on their hunting property about a year or so ago & told them they had to move their camp (tents, tarps, etc.) off the property as it is a danger to them with many people shooting guns. The men agreed to do so & the hunters asked them to relocate their site to a different area. However, days later, one of the hunters came in contact with one of the homeless men carrying a 30 pack back to their campsite. The NRP (I believe) were called & they had to come out and tell the homeless people themselves that they needed to get off the property as it was a danger to them. It was one thing when the hunters thought they were homeless and harmless I guess- but to find out they were spending everyone else's money on beer [& probably drugs] was another thing.

  44. I have seen this guy walk to Delmar to the median in front of the visitor center & get in his buddies pick up. I doubt he is homeless. I wonder what is in his backpack!

  45. 4:46... You are a very sad individual.

  46. Everyone should pray for 4:46.

  47. On 8/16 there was a panhandling ring in Wal Mart North's parking lot.They were trying to get money to get back to VA,or at least that was their gimmick.

  48. @12:39 PM
    And how much of a handout is your church looking for this year? Probably a lot, I'm sure the Pastor needs a new Cadillac.

    What does atheism have to do with anything? Based on your attitude ill take them any day of the week over a religious nut job. There are plenty of those Atheist that give and do more for the community then condescending Christians like you.

    @4:46, nice some common sense! A rare sight on here.

  49. i would rather hand this man money than give it to omalley or obama

  50. Nicholas Parks is his name. Heroin is his game.

  51. He's not homeless. He stays in Delmar in a trailer park. I wouldn't give him a penny. By the way, his limp is fake. Saw him in the store buying cigarettes and he didn't have a limp!

  52. Check nick parks out on Facebook. He gives a sob story on there!! Just read some of his posts he admits that he needs to get clean! Worthless POS


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