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Saturday, August 31, 2013

1958 Cost Of Living


  1. Those were the days and people had jobs.

  2. cigarettes were 19C per pack. You put 2 dimes in the machine and got 2 pennies inside the side if the pack.

  3. My father took us to see "The Big Country" in 1958 at the Boulevard.I had just turned 6.About a month ago I saw it on TV for my first time since 1958.It was every bit as good or better than I had remembered it.

  4. What was the average income in those days, and how do these expenses compare as a percentage of income?

    THAT would make the comparison valid ...

  5. 6:46 PM
    how could you put in two dimes get two pennies back for .19 cent pack of smokes?
    Those were magical times.

  6. If you multiply all those numbers by 10, lots of them fall in line with today's prices. Food was higher though, but gas would only be $2.40.


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