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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Wicomico County Was Warned

It's been a while since we published any information referencing the Bennett Middle School project but we do have an incredible update for you.

Over the past three weeks construction crews have been on site but haven't been able to get much done. The reason, well, they've been pumping water off the site for a good two weeks now.

If there's one thing you should be proud of with your County Council representatives its the fact that some of them are Farmers. So what, right? Well, Farmers know everything there is to know about soil. Some County Council Members flat out said that the County shouldn't even purchase the land they ultimately bought in the end anyway. Why, because the soil RETAINS water.

Councilman Bob Culver stated he wanted to see floating footers on the project to assure the structure would be sound, it was agreed upon and passed. What you may not know is that the County, (in order to save millions) decided they were NOT going to use floating footers on this $70,000,000.00 project. 

The mere fact that they are pumping water off the site and cannot pour concrete shows this could very well be a devastating decision by the County. 

I want to say, I am not criticizing anyone here. I am simply informing the public that some of your County representatives tried their best to make sure this project was done properly. I want it on the record that there is currently a water retention issue and SHOULD something happen down the road and someone were to Google it, at least SOME ONE tried to inform you BEFORE they started pouring concrete. 


  1. Provides new meaning to the phrase "Floating a bond issue".

    With all the insistence on green architecture, it will make mowing the grass on the roof easier if it actually settles at ground level.

    Stay tuned.

  2. The first thing you do on a construction site is to create positive drainage (sitework) away from the structure footprint. If this has not been performed per the site drawings along with the abundance of rain that has occurred, you are doomed at the beginning. It does not matter what type of soil is there.

  3. When considering any construction project, the first issues are drainage, drainage, and drainage. The new SFD had to be built on pilings because the land is a swamp.

  4. HAHAHA I get to tell all of you,

    I TOLD YA SO... You can't build in the flood zone and expect it to be dry... not to mention it is in a field which holds water... at least around here in does...

    But hey, the new school would be worthless anyway because they would build it for like 1k students and the next year have 2k there and oops we need a bigger new school again...

    But hey what do I know right? I know enough to be able to say I TOLD YOU ALL SO AGAIN!!!

    We all know the real reason why they wanted a new school, so they can raise taxes to cover it... the end result higher taxes...

  5. They should of checked the site and had a vote on it since that sounds like a farming land and because of the water the structure can sink in few years so that will be a waste of money and time.

  6. Just like the new firehouse was built on a cranberry bog. Who sold the land to the county--follow the money..

  7. Something should also be done to recupe money's paid to cheasapeake paving from the county. Every sence Jeff brown pushed his father out of the company it has gone down hill .now county has kicked cheasapeake paving off the county school jobs because Jeff was ripping the county off he'll he doesn't even pay his workers the scale rate that the state of Maryland has set in place for such work. That alone should disqualify him from bidding on any state or county work done . I also see the county is drilling test holes on the section of beaglin park road that he did hmmmmm work not holding up Jeff ? I knew when riding by the job and only seeing an inch laid something wasn't right. Beware Salisbury and surrounding areas cheasapeake paving is not what it used to be .

  8. When you have a Rino like Stevie ( I didn't know how I wss going to vote today ) Prettyman what do you expect, I hear she may run for Jeannie Haddaway's seat, good send her across the bridge she will fit in just fine over there with the rest of the liars.

  9. The site can be filled but no one wants to fill wetlands ha ha, you just have to dig down to a good layer and fill with good soil, have it inspected. No one is even considering the bigger problem.... Mold!!! I’m sure they will not pay enough to have the site correctly drained, nor will they pay any attention to the mold problem that there will be! You can’t do anything about it! Somebody will plead the 5th!

  10. 1:12pm I know Haddaway contacted Stevie about doing just that. I'm sure Stevie will run for her seat and be happy to be in Annapolis. Good for her, good for us in more ways than one.

  11. 7-17-13
    The problem is Wicomico Co. has an ON-SITE inspector,PAID by the school board. This inspector is in the clutches of Whiting&Turner Const.Co. Whiting & Turner has Wicomico Co. duped into thinking they are the ONE&ONLY when it comes to construction management, ergo they ALLWAYS get the job on these school jobs.They ARE NOT FAMOUS for the quality of the workmanship,else they excell in the manipulation of contracts to OBTAIN CHANGE ORDERS which are executed on a TIME AND MATERIAL basis. The school board writes them a blank check to facilitate the re-couping of the difference between their management contract and the NEXT HIGHEST BIDDER at the opening.This is accomplished with the blessing and recomendation of THEIR ON-SITE INSPECTOR. It`s a skin game that ALL THE LOCAL school boards fall for with a HIDDEN AGENDA and other ULTERIOR MOTIVES. TAX DOLLARS are EASY to spend when you DON`T HAVE TO EARN THEM. If you want to know how I know I am an estimator for another construction engineering contractor and if you doubt what I say check on cost over-runs at the BENNETT SCHOOL JOB ON COLLEGE AVE.I think you`ll find more than John Fredrickson would care for the taxpayers to KNOW. WISE UP PEOPLE and vote for a candidate who will REALLY look out for YOUR INTEREST!

  12. Who is Wicomico County's On-Site inspector?

  13. As a former Construction Manager on a job in this county for another company, I will have to agree with 4:10 pm, and testing and bids by outside companies should be solicited and considered on any major change order.

    However, a lot of these jobs are bid on the drawings, and shortcomings on the drawings are seen and banked without question on bid day, knowing it's a future C.O. that can be profited from.

    Look out, folks, and bend over; it will go in easier.

  14. Where is the tidal wetlands officials that bust the average developers butts but nowhere to be found on this property?Or are the laws just for some and not all?

  15. While looking at the new Bennett info, also look into how many things are currently wrong with it. For a school that is only a few years old, it's falling apart on the inside. Ask any of the people currently working on the pages of issues.

  16. Responding to 4:06 Posting

    If Jeannie Haddaway knows what's good for her - she will distance herself from Stevie. Stevie would be much better off joining the democratic party - as a lot of her decisions are of the liberal philosophy. Jeannie needs someone to enlighten her on Stevie's voting record.


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