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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Wicomico County Solid Waste Division Announces Extension Of Permit

SALISBURY – The Wicomico County Department of Public Works - Solid Waste Division is pleased to announce that existing transfer station permits will be accepted through Monday July 15, 2013. This two-week extension will allow users of the county’s 11 transfer stations additional time to obtain new permits.

Citizens may visit Newland Park Landfill to purchase new permits or mail in copies of vehicle registration card(s) along with the application found on the wicomicocounty.org web site. The cost for Wicomico County residents is $60 per vehicle.

Newland Park Landfill
6948 Brick Kiln Road
Salisbury, MD 21801
Office Hours: 8:00am – 4:00pm, Monday – Friday


  1. I for one will not be renewing my permit this year. (Thank you Wicomico County for raising the fee, again)
    Can't wait to see how many others will do the same, and how much revenue is actually LOST by the increase.

  2. Whatever, Mark. It's $5 more than last year. If you can find a place that will take as much trash as you can produce for $60 a year, let us all know. If you can't, then enjoy paying a few hundred dollars a year for a trash service.

    I hate fee increases as much as anyone, but $60 a year is a bargain compared to how much other areas charge for landfill service.

  3. 11:44 AM...Very interesting, And what, if I may ask, are you planning to do with your trash? I hope the side of the road is not an option.

  4. So Mark what do you plan to do with your trash? Maybe hire a service to pick it up for you. How much is that going to be? Or maybe you are just going to dump your waste along a country road!

  5. Nope, there's plenty dumpsters around town. And no the cops won't say anything.

  6. Some people use a "burning barrel" for their trash. They take what doesn't burn to be recycled....
    I know our neighbors do that.

  7. Until last week I have been paying $65 a quarter or $260 per year for trash removal by a local service. The fee of $60 per year works better for me and my budget!

  8. Burn and recycle

  9. 1:00 Good luck with the fines, once someone turns you in. I was told, by county officials, that you can only burn something that naturally occurred on your property, ie. a tree/branch falls, leaves, etc. Household trash is subject to fines, along with pallets, newspapers, etc.

  10. I stopped taking trash to the county 12 years ago. Recycle materials are free to dump or can get cash for the metals. Everything else burns. There are a couple ways to avoid getting fines: a chiminea, fire pit, fake bbg smoker or woodstove in the garage/barn. If way out in the country you can use a burn barrel without any hassles.

  11. Why when you buy a permit, you still have to weigh at the scales and pay more to take up the hill? Shouldn't that be included?

    When I burn trash, it is a religious ceremony. I am offering a burnt sacrifice to God.

  12. Our family (meaning 3 households) all recycle. As we all live in county
    neighborhoods, out of respect for our neighbors, we do not burn. (And what are you going to do when there is a burning band.) One of the family members has a pickup. We share in the cost of the sticker and rotate going to the dump. Even if we didn't share the cost - $60 is a bargain!

  13. How much are Burning Band tickets, and when is their next concert?


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