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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Why Has Paula Deen Been Vilified, While Alec Baldwin’s Been Given a Pass?

Paula Deen has been dropped by many of her sponsors for admitting to spewing a racial epithet about a man who shoved a gun in her face in ’87, while Alec Baldwin has received less backlash for attempting to ‘f--k up’ a ‘queen.’ Why?

Poor Richard’s Almanack was distributed in the American colonies annually between 1732 and 1758. Published by Benjamin Franklin under the pseudonym “Poor Richard,” the almanac proved enormously popular, with the number of copies sold reaching the tens of thousands. In the 1752 edition, Franklin—ever the cheeky wordsmith—took on the subject of hypocrisy (which was a pretty big deal at the time): “Mankind are very odd Creatures: One Half censure what they practice, the other half practice what they censure; the rest always say and do as they ought.”

Franklin’s musing, a remnant of a mind-numbing U.S. history lecture during my freshman year of college, came bubbling to the surface after witnessing the crucifixion of Paula Deen, and the comparatively tepid criticism received by Alec Baldwin after the 30 Rock actor tweeted a barrage of vile, homophobic remarks at a reporter for the Daily Mail. The disparate reactions speak volumes about society’s attitudes toward racism, homophobia, and celebrity.

First, let’s review the transgressions.



  1. It's all about the Benjamins, no more, no less.

  2. I can't stand smartalec baldwino

  3. Because she's a woman. Double standard. Society expects more from women than men. Men have less integrity in general....(just look at who's filling up the prisons.)

  4. People should really wake up to the fact that there is a war on conservatism by libtards.

  5. His give a damn is busted.Her's is not.Actually caring about other people will get em' every time.

  6. 7:16 - just look at who's filling the White House!

  7. 732, how about a war on the type of intellectual lazy that makes one think that "libtard" is somehow an original or intelligent rebuttal.

  8. Libs can say anything.


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