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Monday, July 15, 2013


“I’m neither traitor nor hero. I’m an American.” – Edward Snowden

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” - Samuel Adams



  1. The real traitors are in the white house, congress, homeland security and department of social justice.

  2. Sorry. Snowden is a thief that stole from his employer. Many others would take his job and honor the secrecy pledge this scumbag didn't live up to.

  3. 1023-Honor a pledge that dishonors a country? Sorry Charlie.

  4. snowden is a hero. there were heros like this throughout our countries history. we have lost and are continuing to lose our privacy and your worried about stealing for an employer that's taken your privacy. honor a secrecy pledge that is taking everyone's privacy and soon to take more of our freedoms. what on earth can you be thinking? do you realize what is happening to the citizens of the nation? must be another government school educated citizen. please dont' ever think for yourself; you may see the truth.

  5. The CIA should have nailed him when he was in Hong Kong, one shot, one kill.

  6. 821-Hong Kong is property of China. You realize that?

  7. 10:23 and 8:21...so....if he saw from all the intercepts that the NSA was giving the CIA the names of people whom the CIA then killed (in the USA), he would be a traitor, too, if he exposed THAT? Polish those boots, boy, and practice that sharp Nazi salute. You're one of those people who think that OUR oaths are rock solid, written in stone, but THEIR oaths are malleable and not really THAT serious. I'm referring to the "uphold the Constitution" and "defend the Constitution" stuff these Nazi's swear to, including the president (who KNEW about this travesty). Quit lapping up the spoon feeding of crap they are nourishing you with --- we do not need every phone call, text, and e-mail read or listened to in order to stop "terrorism". We do not need random Nazi roadblocks (stop or die) or 35,000 drones watching our every move. We don't need armed agents of the government stopping innocent citizens on the sidewalk for a search and "show me your papers" (or get beaten, arrested or killed) song and dance. If you think all this is, in any way, right or legal, then I urge you to move to China, where you will be very "secure". You'll be a little bitch that does exactly what you're told (or else), but you'll be secure (and happy?). Just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop cheering so loudly as they take from the rest of us all the rights and privileges our friends and family have died to protect. Snowden is a hero. How can you tell? Because the people IN POWER hate him so much...not for what he did, but for what he represents.


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