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Sunday, July 21, 2013

When Will Salisbury Taxpayers Finally Stand Their Ground And Say Enough Is Enough

Next Monday night the Mayor and Council will meet to discuss what Salisbury News had predicted years ago, more funding from the taxpayers to build the Animal Services Building at the Salisbury Zoo. 

I stated that I felt Ron Alessi and the Zoo Commission were lying to the public about the costs and they were doing so just to jump start the project. I went on to say they'd come back at a later point and ask for more money, that's how Liberals work the system.

Today I am again letting you know you have been scammed again. 

Who in their right mind would spend millions of dollars on such improvements when the Salisbury Zoo can't even cover their own overhead. They have THREE non profit organizations raising money for the Zoo and NONE of those funds come back to the general fund account for the City, relieving the taxpayers. 

The AZA is forcing the City to spend millions of dollars for something the Salisbury Zoo absolutely 100% DOES NOT NEED. Trust me when I tell you, the Salisbury Zoo is way to small of a Zoo to need such a building and before you forget, the taxpayers already gave $300,000.00 to rebuild and update the current Animal Services building just to satisfy the AZA. The Zoo doesn't bring in enough exotic animals to warrant such a facility and considering my Wife ran that portion of the Zoo for 18 years, I/We know what we're talking about. 

Now Alessi and Company want to come back to the Mayor and Council and say, hey, sorry about that chief but we screwed up and the new building is going to cost us another $500,000.00, above and beyond the OTHER $500,000.00 you already gave us, (on top of the $300,000.00 worth of improvements on the old bldg) my bad.

Americans are suffering financially. The Eastern Shore is suffering. Salisbury, well, the Mayor has to GIVE everything away just to get someone, anyone, interested in doing business with the City. Do you really think in this economy we should be bonding out another half a million dollars simply because the Zoo can't raise the funds from the people they're calling, so screw the local taxpayers on TOP of what your already providing to keep their doors open. 

Your leadership is out of control. Lease the Zoo back to the Zoo Commission for $1.00 a year and let them live or die on their own and STOP taking more money from the taxpayers. Remember Salisbury Taxpayers, letting this go through is just ANOTHER reason Ireton will raise taxes AGAIN next year. Someone, (YOU) has to pay for it. 


  1. Let me guess. Somehow, Gillis will win the bid to build it.

  2. Some of the population is students who don't care. Another part of the population are the people who rent to these students.
    Of course there is the 1/3 that that Shanies in charge of and Laura impresses with her majestic vocabulary. Given those odds , we will be paying up the butt for years to come.

  3. Liberals are airheads and have always been. That is how you end up with Omalley Obama And the homosexual pansy Ireton.Liberals are flock of sheep that cant think for them self.They are comfortable with higher taxes and free stuff from the government.And until they open their eyes and see the truth that being a democrat is not working this nation will fail.

  4. Dear Jake Day,

    Here's a thought. IF you choose to move this forward and since the good people attempting to raise funds to build this facility as a non profit, perhaps the City could LOAN them the funding, instead of it being at taxpayers expense.

    The non profits could continue to raise the $500,000.00 still needed at this immediate time and RELIEVE the taxpayers.

    Someone, (either the Mayor or Council) must start becoming accountable for OUR financial expenses.

    I'll add, the Pittsville Fire Department started FUNDRAISING for a new Fire Station around the time Salisbury started building their new Fire Palace. Mind you, they haven't started construction in Pittsville because, (guess what) they don't have all the money yet. What a noble idea! Now, that being said, the COST of the original project was somewhere near $2,000,000.00. Guess what, now that contractors are desperate for work, the new cost is closer to $1,000,000.00, IT WENT DOWN!

    The Zoo is claiming the $500,000.00 is an added expense due to higher costs. WHAT WORLD ARE YOU LIVING IN?????? Yes, some materials may have gone up but NOT $500,000.00 worth. Someone is full of crap.

    So please Jake, (and the rest of the Council) consider us taxpayers who are struggling. Go back to the AZA and tell them the funding just isn't there, they'll understand and they'll give you an extension. I know its hard to accept but halt the project until such a time when America is back on its feet for a FREE Zoo.

    The Zoo brings NO revenue to Salisbury or Wicomico County. This is putting god money after bad money.

    Because the Zoo is coming back to the City asking for more money, it PROVES, (with all due respect) that people are NOT willing to give up more money. It proves the Zoo is NOT as popular as the Zoo Commission claims. It's a money pit and a very expensive one at that.

  5. Yup, And keep on liking it in the ass... Because we know you won't do squat to fix it or stop it...

    So quite frankly STFU about any and all of it no one will do ANYTHING to help, to stop or to offer solutions so WTF even talk about it to the tune of people just ignoring it because they are tired of it... That is what the govt wants, they now too things, 1)You will get tired of hearing about it and just let it happen, Which is going on right now... 2)thee know the sheeple will follow the leader even to a cliff... so the govt has a win win situation and yet we have a lose lose situation...

    I ask you JOE: at what point will you to feel you are wasting your time and talking smoke to others?

    these people are too stupid to care and too smart to understand...

    Yeah its great having an unbiased news blog or outlet most of the time.... NOT ALL THE TIME ARE YOU UNBIASED... yeah its great seeing what others are up to and what they want to try and do ooops not try actually do... I don't see anyone trying anything... I do see the city actually doing something, right or wrong they are and the sheeple sit back and clap hands singing and dancing...

    So again at what point are you going to have had enough of bringing this to light and being defamed for it whilst the dumbases who live here ignore it or say oh well its ok, or say oh well its ok because it doesn't directly affect me?

    We all could help one another out, become less dependent on the govt and quit working and guess what, they govt can't operate... How so you ask, well if you don't work, they cant take your money... no money means no one will work for the govt unless they get paid... that is why the govt goes after the farmers... they are the only ones left who can grow food and not need the govt for anything... once they are gone how can you not be a slave to the govt? you either eat and be a slave or you not eat and die... that is what it will come to...

    That is why they want your money, and control, and everything else... if you have no guns you can't hunt for food, you can't fight back and the rest....

    we out number any govt agency, we out number all of them put together... we could take back our country at gunpoint and not one shot would need to be fired.... once the govt knows you will use arms to fight, they will think hey i can die for this for real let me re think this...

    If you want proof, look up on youtube, cop beatings gone wrong where they were in spain at a soccer game and a guy was naked running around the field, 5 cops grabbed him and started beating on him.... They WHOLE stands emptied and ran onto the field and surrounded the cops and the cops ran like bitches... that is what we need to do... once there life is in our shoes they re think what they will do next...
    it makes me sick to think to all are ok with all of this and to let it happen, you all are not americans nor human beings...

    thats one way...

  6. anonymous 10:43, The day I give up is the day I either die, the day I am killed or the day I can no longer physically do it any longer.

    Joe Albero never gives up.

    I don't have to be elected to do what I do. I do not have to have a degree and it is my right as an American to speak out about what I feel is right or wrong.

    Agree or disagree, love me or hate me, I do not put a gun to anyone's head and demand they visit this Site. I have EARNED the traffic of millions of people each and every year. The pen is mightier than the sword.

    I encourage each and every one of you to take the time this weekend or in the near future to do the following. On the home page of Salisbury News, in the top left hand corner there is a search bar. Type in Salisbury Zoo and read ALL of the articles I have produced over the last 9 years. Read about the THOUSANDS of animals that have died over the years at the Zoo. Learn WHY they died. It always amazes me just how many people never knew so many have died. The reason for that is, back when I first started this Blog we had about as much traffic in a week than we get in an hour in one day today.

    There are hundreds of thousands of new viewers. You might want to keep clicking on "OLDER POSTS" until you get to the end and start there. There are very good reasons I am such a critic of the Salisbury Zoo.

    I'll add, I do offer solutions and always have. They're good solutions but your leadership, (including Jim Ireton) will be damned if they'll ever do what Joe Albero suggests, even if it's in the best interest and welfare of the animals.

    For those of you who do take the time to learn more and research these articles, I thank you.

  7. "Guess what, now that contractors are desperate for work, the new cost is closer to $1,000,000.00, IT WENT DOWN!"

    Joe, you are right about this. I won't mention the company but they are well known and respected builders of pole buildings. It's been well over 3 years that we have contacted them and in that 3 years the price has crept down significantly.
    Another example is late last year we purchased a home that was a foreclosure as an investment. The upstairs wasn't finished. This included a bathroom. A plumber from the neighborhood
    (master, licensed-the whole 9 yards) came to us asking for work. He charged us $35/hr. He explained to us he had done a dumb thing and lost his customer base during the housing boom by concentrating only on new construction and was now trying to rebuild a base.

  8. Dear Jake Day and the rest of you wussies downtown - Just say NO for a change and surprise us.

  9. Speaking as someone outside of your area, I just want to ask:

    Why are people in your town not doing anything about these extravagances? I've read your blog awhile and it seems 10:43, while over the top perhaps, is right about nobody doing anything. In fact, reading about your last election, it sounds like the people voted in people who will spend a lot of money.

    I grew up in a pretty liberal town, but when the power that be wanted to do something crazy with money, people would show up and read them the riot act.

    Just wondering what makes your townspeople so uninvolved.

  10. Perhaps NOW city residents will see how tenacious and hardworking Debbie Campbell was at protecting the taxpayer--none of this frivolous taxpayer crap EVER got by her --she was a painstakingly fiscal hawk. And all of her opponents whined endlessly about how much time she took going over things with a fine tooTh comb. Salisbury District 2 YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.

  11. Weve all done this. It does no good.
    We re at their mercy.

  12. Under Republican rule in South Carolina 1700 sq foot house taxed $300.00. Under Democrat rule in Maryland 500 sq foot house taxed $600.00 Any questions?


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