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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Two Women Indicted For Attempting To Vote Twice

Two women have been indicted for attempting to vote twice in last year's presidential election.

In both the indictment in Frederick County, and Montgomery County the women attempted to convince election officials they were their dead mothers, so they could vote twice.

In Frederick County, the Office of State Prosecutor says 46-year-old Elsie Schlidt attempted to vote twice by absentee ballot.

The ballot she attempted to cast in her mother's name was not counted. She was charged with attempting vote under a false name and attempting to vote twice.



  1. Matt said
    Well Duh. Thats only 2. How about the other 20,00 dead voters and 15,00 illegals? It's never to late for a recount and impeachment.

  2. Let me guess OSCAMA VOTERS.

  3. Funny how anyone who votes illegally votes for the Democrat


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