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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Trayvon Witness Accepts College Offer

Trayvon Martin witness Rachel Jeantel accepts radio host Tom Joyner's college offer

Rachel Jeantel, the 19-year-old witness in the Trayvon Martin trial, has accepted radio personality Tom Joyner's offer to pay her college fees. In an open letter, Joyner said 'I realized a hug wasn't enough.'


  1. Wouldn't she need to graduate grade school first? You know, knowing what words mean, spelling, reading, writing, cursive,English, Math, Geography, etc?

    Then, she will need to go to high school and learn geometry, calculus, a foreign language other than ebonics, and world/ U.S. History?

    I guess he made a good move. By the time this lump is ready for college, he and most of us will be dead!

  2. What a joke. This girl belongs in 3rd grade. Does anyone really think she can cut it in college? I guess she doesn't have to cut it. They will have to give her a degree "just to be fair" and to meet racial quotas.

  3. Let's see her college entrance exams score. She can't even reed or splle.

  4. 1. Does she even have a HS diploma? I barely understood her during the interview..

    2.How did someone who obviously could not speak correct English even get into a college in the US?

    3. I don't have a clue who this Tom Joyner is, however he is an idiot for throwing money at someone who obviously had her career choice already picked out.

    Sad times ahead of us in the good ole USA. Let us reward those who don't deserve it again and again...so sad.

  5. No child left behind goes to a whole new meaning.

    She's dumb as a brick!

  6. How can you attend college not knowing how to read? That must be "old school".

  7. Watch your words! This is affirmative action in action.

  8. I've said on here from the beginning that I felt sorry for her. I found her to be both credible and I also believe she was lying on occasion.

    I totally blame the half witted prosecution for the debacle Rachel turned out to be on the witness stand. They didn't prepare her. I hate Piers Morgan but his staff did more to prepare her for his show than the State of FL did and she came across as very likeable on his show.
    I doubt if any prep would have changed the outcome of the trial but it was shameful the way the state put her out there to become the laughing stock of the trial.

  9. Im offering to pay for weight watchers for her

  10. She's 19 years old, and was finally promoted from the 11th grade, which means she'll be 20 years old when and IF she graduates. I think it's great that Tom whoever he is, is offering her all the tutoring she needs, to pass high school. She can sure use it.

    I'd have a lot more respect for him though, if he hadn't specified it has to be a "Historically Black College". Why not the college of her choice (assuming any college would accept her at all)? Why a black college specifically?

    I think she could use some exposure to the diverse population of a mainstream college campus. She'd have the opportunity to learn to appreciate and show respect and sensitivity towards other races. And hopefully learn a few lessons about how disparaging racial slurs and homophobic reference have no place in civilized, polite society.

    Hopefully it will turn out to be a more productive gesture, than Jesse Jackson's free ride scholarship to the notorious Crystal Mangum, who was the conniving stripper who falsely accused the Duke Lacrosse team of gang rape a few years back.

    Neither appear to be "college material". But, a grandstanding fool and his money...

  11. Maybe she can go to college with Sandra Fluke and get free birth control too...unreal!

  12. a perfect waste of money!

  13. She belongs on the short bus! I see they gave her a make-over too, she's been upgraded from fugly to ugly.

  14. Her major will be "Maximum welfare benefits"

  15. I heard he offered to pay for Zimmer too?

  16. "I think she could use some exposure to the diverse population of a mainstream college campus. She'd have the opportunity to learn to appreciate and show respect and sensitivity towards other races. And hopefully learn a few lessons about how disparaging racial slurs and homophobic reference have no place in civilized, polite society"

    Excellent point.


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