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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Too Much Jefferson-Jackson?

Too Much Jeffersonianism…?  Wow, so this guy thinks that people are thinking too openly about freedom; gotta crush that before it gets out of hand.  The idea of forced National Service is something that Charlie Rangel has come out in favor of many times.  Between Rangel and Gerson that means this has “bipartisan” supprot from the Progressives and Neo-Cons.  I find it funny because no one who is in the public service is actually serving me in any way.
about to get served
So to restore faith in government Gerson’s solution is to enslave us even more.  Is there anymore proof needed that the Neo-Cons are the party of Evil. 
If there is a single issue that will make me pack up and leave the USSA it is this.  I find few things more offensive than conscription  Under no circumstances will my son be forced to serve.

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