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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Today's Survey Question 7-22-13

Do you believe that the word
God should stay in
American culture?


  1. YES, Absolutely!
    Praise Him!

  2. YES, YES and YES

  3. Unless we want our country to be as backward and unforgiving as the rest of the Godless countries.

  4. If you remove it, American Culture will cease to exist. As President Reagan said, "When we are no longer a Nation Under God, we will be a Nation Gone Under."

  5. yes, by all means.

  6. Without a doubt! That is where this country's foundation started and we need to get back to it!

  7. What kind of question is that? Culture, sure why not, not my position to judge; however, politics, no thank you, I prefer our policies to be based on reason and science.

  8. Culture? Sure. Government? No.

  9. No, believe is a personal matter don't force your beliefs on others. No one belief trumps another.
    You only have to look to the middle east to know what problems it causes.

  10. I am surprised to see voices of reason on here.

  11. Of course, but each individual has the right to choose his path in his spiritual journey.

  12. Absolutely.
    Once we lose sight of GOD's hand in our country we will become like other countries with no hope.

  13. He will be in my life forever.

  14. It is not the government's place to endorse any religion, or to endorse religion over lack of religion. The First Amendment is quite clear. In your personal life, do whatever you want.

  15. 12:46 As it should be for you, just leave everyone else alone.

  16. Absolutely YES. "In God We Trust".

  17. For all those who's comments say no, feel free to leave all your money behind & LEAVE. After all, your American money says "In God We Trust". So if you don't just leave.

  18. It saddens me that you even have to ask that question. We should ALWAYS have God in our culture.

  19. let's see:
    our entire time line started with the time of Jesus.
    our system of law is from the 10 commandments.
    our coinage states in God we trust.
    constitution, bill of rights, all the founding documents, church services held in the capital under the dome on a weekly basis.
    all our earliest hospitals, colleges, universities and charity groups started by Christians who believed in a Living God; Jesus. travel to D.C. and tour our earliest government buildings and look at All the bible scripture carved into the stone and marble. it's everywhere in this city and many cities across this great nation. I know many of you who are poorly educated, low info voters, and perhaps don't have any spiritual life may have a problem with this, but you can't erase history. oh; there are those that would like to erase our history, but so far they haven't. God is foundational to countless millions and certainly foundational to this nation.
    those that want God removed are very much a minority. seek for truth and you will find it...

  20. 8:20 Nicely said.

  21. Yes, in GOD we trust.

  22. You all do realize that "In God We Trust" was not always on our money? That was started by Eisenhower.

  23. @ 9:43

    Yup, but most Christians wont admit that. The country was founded with separation of church and state to protect us from people like 2:39

  24. We have no choice.He is never gone .God is always with us.He keeps every living thing on this planet alive and allows you to wake up in the morning.His presence is unavoidable.God created the universe and all that is within.He wants you to believe in him,but he won't make you believe in him.He has given humans the freedom of choice,or free will to make their own decision.



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