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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

The Press and Paula Deen

I think that if anything exemplifies the overt prejudice and determination of the American media to report only the news that suits their social and political interests and concept of what does and does not fit their agenda, it's the totally overblown coverage of something Paula Deen said 20 years ago, and some party she planned that she wanted to resemble a plantation scene featuring black male waiters in period dress.

If Hollywood plans a movie featuring black waiters in a plantation scene or portrays women as prostitutes or cast minorities in caricature roles does the media get upset and start calling the movie moguls racists?

Is there any grown person who could truthfully declare under oath that they have never uttered something that someone might find personally offensive?

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
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  1. I know longer watch the MSM news anymore. I prefer the internet sites that tell the Truth. I think its a shame so many are blind to the truth.

  2. It makes News & they plow it into the ground. Sick!

  3. Paula Deen should hold her head up high and fight back like Martha Stewart did. It is just plain stupid to treat her like a criminal when she has done nothing wrong.


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