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Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Food Must Be Awesome, Salisbury Fire Department Returns For Lunch AGAIN Today!

It is absolutely AMAZING that the Salisbury Fire Department continues to abuse taxpayer equipment, gas and resources, (paying Firefighters to go out to lunch) on a daily basis.

Because so many are fed up and outraged, we continue to receive images of this abuse sometimes two times a day. 

I think it's time some of the taxpayers show up at the next Council Meeting and express their disgust in person and NOT accept any more of their BS excuses. 


  1. Y can't they eat?

  2. I'm willing to bet they can't be away from their vehicle when on duty...

    Seriously... what's the big deal? As long as they are where they need to be when it matters, who gives a flying rats patooty if they pimp their ride at all hours of the day?

    I don't understand the seeming hatred against them... it just makes no sense.

  3. Do they ever bring a lunch from home?

  4. You people need to get a life!!! If they take there personal vehicle and you need them then they have to go back to the fire house and get a vehicle. But that time you will have probaly died or we can only hope so anyway

  5. It makes no sense to think they should be able to ride at taxpayers expense. No business would allow this. What's wrong with packing a lunch or sending someone out to bring it back. Taking an expensive piece of equipment that gets 2 miles to the gallon is ridiculous. Don't come asking for donations as long as this is going on.

  6. Lets say the fie engine is good for 400,000 miles. They spent 1/2 those miles going to get something to eat. Just lost 1/2 the life of the engine. Plus the wasted gas.
    they have a state of arts kitchen why not use it. I have seen on TV that they have someone who cooks meals and do a good job of. Why not try to cook and eat healthy.
    A lot of them wouldn't look like humpty.

    1. A diesel engine can run millions of miles.talk bout eating healthy .....eat some brain food

  7. People can make up excuse after excuse from.them having to work 24hr shifts or they need to eat and try to defend their actions that is all they are is excuses. The taxpayers have to pay to put fuel in them the up keep on them. The taxpayers are not paying to have the fireman joy ride in them.If they need food let them take there own car. The homo pansy mayor does not do anything the worthless city council Fake Day has not said anything. Rick Hoppes is not qualified to be a chief either. They need to make Salisbury a volunteer department. It would save tax dollars considering they spend most of the 24hr period sitting on there butts and joy riding. I will be at the next council meeting for sure to express my opinion.

  8. Anon 1:09 Your too logical for most to understand.

  9. why is this site so consumed with where the fire dept eats lunch??? Does it say somewhere that they are not allowed to eat??

  10. 12:56 and 1:09 are obviously not tax payers.

  11. With all the issues we are facing - just how big a deal is THIS???? Seriously!!!!!!

  12. Yes, they aren't taxpayers and they don't understand that the SFD is on a 5 year vehicle replacement schedule because of the run hours on the trucks. If they are on duty, they should be working. If they are on break they should take their own vehicles and save hours on these VERY EXPENSIVE pieces of equipment. Does anyone have any respect for tax dollars any more?

  13. Anon 1:41 You haven't a clue, 40 years of work and never missed a day.
    How much do you think I paid in taxes and lived in the city most of my life. Anon 1:35

  14. Duh, Jethro, I seen firemen on tv too! That proves they all have a cook. Seriously, folks,let's now dictate when and where firemen can take their lunch break. You people need to get a life and figure out why this blog is so outraged about a fireman keeping his vehicle with him while he gets a little lunch. Cry me a river!

  15. Firemen eating again? My god they just ate yesterday. This sort of abuse would never happen in a third world country. Salisbury needs to write rule books governing how much is to be eaten and govern the soda intake. I'm betting they go to the bathroom more then people on the streets. This has to stop!


  17. The hot women needed to be extinguished.

  18. If they are obligated to stay with their truck in case they get a call, they should send 1 person out to get lunch and leave everybody else and the truck at the firehouse.

    Should the call come in, they take that person's gear with them on the truck. That person safely makes their way to the scene. Their response time will be near identical to what it would be if the truck left from the lunch spot.

  19. This is getting ridiculous. People go out to lunch all of the time, whether they are firefighters, construction workers, pharmaceutical reps, police officers...all in business vehicles. Would you really want a police officer having to go back to the station to get a work vehicle when an emergency call comes in, all because someone decided to eat out that day? It's crazy to say they have a nice kitchen there and should have to make lunch. From my observation, these dedicated men and women will drop everything and run to a call if needed (firefighters and police officers alike). I wish people would put half of their pointless energy used to whine into supporting the ones who are risking their lives daily for us all.

  20. Maybe they are stopping for a bathroom break...who knows. I don't care.

  21. Send one person really. If they get a call the whole truck crew needs to be with the truck. Duh? If you don't know how it works ask a firefighter.

  22. who cares, by driving the trucks they get to know the roads in the vehicle they will be driving when they get a call. i would much rather drive a road that i have been down before in the same piece at normal rate then to learn the road responding to a call. what about all the police that eat while on duty taking a patrol car. i think police should go back to the station and drive personal cars to get lunch.

  23. 11:02 Said.. "It makes no sense to think they should be able to ride at taxpayers expense. No business would allow this. What's wrong with packing a lunch or sending someone out to bring it back. Taking an expensive piece of equipment that gets 2 miles to the gallon is ridiculous. Don't come asking for donations as long as this is going on."

    So UPS AND fedex drivers dont use company vehicles for lunch???

    This is so old.. people here are beyond stupid.

  24. Yeah, it's getting old.
    Place is owned by a state trooper, close to the fire station and the food is righteously good!
    Who cares. They have to eat. Although their "response" excuse is a little thin and who really cares they wash their personal vehicles at the fire station. They get really bored sometimes.

  25. Those scurvy little cars those guys drive aren't nearly as impressive as a big fire truck.In California,surfers love getting those really old fire trucks and making surf buggies out of them.

  26. This is just a drop in the bucket to wasting tax payers money that's allowed in this town. My relative worked for the City---I know for sure & it would make your head spin. No different then our Goverment, not at all!

  27. 3:15 PM
    Washing personal vehicles at the fire station. This is a new one on me. There is no end to the abuse of their position. Here I was thinking all this time they were Hero's. When did all this start? Was it when that new Chief come on board with all his radical ideas. If their bored, clean and take care of the equipment. The city needs to tighten up these uncontrolled people.

  28. 3:31
    They have been washing their personal vehicles at the fire house for as long as I can remember.

  29. you have no idea how many times i have gone to food lion on naticoke rd and seen a fire truck parked in the lot and the fire fighters coming out with their bags of food. seriously, that is a waste of our taxpayers money, do people realize how much fuel those trucks have to use? and they arent for the fire fighters ride to the grocery store, they are meant for emergency use. why cant they just hop in their car, wouldnt that be more convenient than using a huge fire truck???

  30. I guess they better not use the equipment for a parade or doing any other thing but going to a fire. This is the least amount of tax payer waste compared to the corruption of government. If this is the worst thing you people have to complain about, then I'm happy for you.

  31. Omg...so now they are wasting taxpayer money because they wash their cars on down time? You people are idiots with nothing better to complain about. Get over it!! Do you even see how ridiculous this is?? I guarantee you utilize "down time" on your own jobs to eat a snack, smoke, etc.

  32. What ever happened to eating their meals at the station house or those working do not have the ability to fix meals?

  33. Really Albero, what is your point here you little pussy bitch. Come on over the the station and throw your childish tantrum, see where it gets you.

  34. All I can say is their lucky Mr. Joe Albero is not the new mayor. Heads would roll. They would be scrubbing the floors with their tooth brushes and yelling, Yes Sir.
    One can easily see the direction Salisbury is headed with out proper leadership.

  35. 4:12 PM
    Wow! such language. That certainly made you look taller.

  36. TAX PAYERS AGAINST WASTEJuly 11, 2013 at 5:36 PM

    As a Salisbury tax payer I hope you attend the next Council Meeting and let them know in person how we feel about this waste of money. The Council will just continue to ignore your blog but will certainly have to listen to the public wrath of the displeased who voice their opinion. You speak our thoughts very well, so please come join us.

  37. OMG some of these excuses are flat out stupid. Especially the one about learning the roads so they know where they'll be going.

    Here's an idea Mr. Hoppes. How about you actually bring in VOLUNTEERS instead of driving them AWAY from feeling welcome there.

    How about you place orders with SYSCO and have them DELIVER food to that million dollar kitchen and you won't have to abuse equipment, fuel and resources. I know, that's too boring.

    SFD is a joke and they are spitting in the faces of all taxpayers and yes, that includes me.

    Keep those pictures coming in Folks. We will publish them every single time, INCLUDING parades the SFD is involved in from all over the Eastern Shore.

    We looked at the figures. The SFD runs an average of only THREE fire calls a day. The rest of the calls are ambulance chasing calls, as if every one of them needed the jaws of life.

  38. 2:52 - Last time I checked, my tax dollars are not going to FedEx and UPS, so it's a different situation. If management of a private business wants to allow drivers to pick up lunch in the company truck, customers are willing to pay the asking price and stockholders are happy with the profits, everybody is happy.

    If a firefighter wants to drive a truck that you, me and everybody else in Salisbury paid for, full of gasoline that you, me and everybody else in Salisbury paid for, as a taxpayer, I have a legitimate interest in that action, as it's spending my tax dollars on a lunch carryout service.

    When I go out to lunch, I drive my personal vehicle. Why can't a single firefighter do the same, and bring lunch back for the rest of the station?

    1. The fire apparatus is minimally staffed. 1 driver/pump operator, 1 officer to take command and put in order a plan of action on scene, and 2 firefighters. In case you didn't know it actually takes 2 fire fighters to controls a fire house that pumps out around 120-150 gallons per minute. So if that 1 firefighter leaves and they get a call then they are not staffed functionally for the call.

      Wow that makes sense doesn't it.

      Oh by the way most do pack food to take to work with them but sometimes you want something different. Imagine if you had to pack every drink, snack, and meal you consumed in an entire 24hrs with you to work every day.

      Oh I am not affiliated with the SFD although I am a career and volunteer FF/paramedic in the nearby area.

  39. I'll be circulating photos of our mysterious photographer. Should be interesting.

    1. Good ..cause when i find out who is taking the photos and stirring this up im gonna beat the piss out if them.this topic has gone way past this site.while shoppingwith my family we get approached chased yelled at you name it over this.my wife gets complaints and told off and has no clue what i do but fight fire.my children have to listen to you idiots rant and rave while in public.real nice Joe allowing this to get this far our families are being affected

  40. " Anonymous said...

    If they are obligated to stay with their truck in case they get a call, they should send 1 person out to get lunch and leave everybody else and the truck at the firehouse.

    Should the call come in, they take that person's gear with them on the truck. That person safely makes their way to the scene. Their response time will be near identical to what it would be if the truck left from the lunch spot.

    July 11, 2013 at 2:31 PM"

    Thank you! My point exactly! Maybe the lunch runner put his/ her equipment in the seat on the truck before leaving. Heck, just take a $25k pickup chase vehicle and have it in the truck with you!


    1. It takes 4 people to effectively staff a fire engine. If that one leaves and there is a call then that specific job that he is assigned to do cant be done until he gets there.

      So that's just more wasted time and quite often time is life.

  41. 5:44 PM...
    Thank you for opening our eyes. You were born to lead!

  42. How much does diesel fuel cost? I am sick and tired of this abuse of tax dollars and city property. This happens all the time under Hoppes' watch. He has got to go. Jim Ireton and Jake Day have to go!

  43. Anonymous said...
    You people need to get a life!!! If they take there personal vehicle and you need them then they have to go back to the fire house and get a vehicle. But that time you will have probaly died or we can only hope so anyway

    July 11, 2013 at 1:15 PM

    That's just it! We don't need them. Get the volunteers to handle the fire calls. This is getting ridiculous!

  44. Anonymous said...
    With all the issues we are facing - just how big a deal is THIS???? Seriously!!!!!!

    July 11, 2013 at 1:48 PM

    It's a very big deal you big moron. When you start paying taxes you will know what kind of big deal it is. You are not a tax payer so it's time for you to take a hike.

  45. Anonymous said...
    This is getting ridiculous. People go out to lunch all of the time, whether they are firefighters, construction workers, pharmaceutical reps, police officers...all in business vehicles. Would you really want a police officer having to go back to the station to get a work vehicle when an emergency call comes in, all because someone decided to eat out that day? It's crazy to say they have a nice kitchen there and should have to make lunch. From my observation, these dedicated men and women will drop everything and run to a call if needed (firefighters and police officers alike). I wish people would put half of their pointless energy used to whine into supporting the ones who are risking their lives daily for us all.

    July 11, 2013 at 2:34 PM

    The only thing ridiculous is you firefighters getting on this blog trying your best to defend yourselves.

    1. I am not a firefighter, police officer, or anyone that drives a city, county, or state owned vehicle. But I am a taxpayer. It is getting out of hand when there are so many other issues going on.

    2. I imagine you have a decent kitchen at you house, do you cook every meal you eat in it. Do you ever go out for lunch while at work, do you ever go out to dinner. Why would you do this when you already have a decent kitchen to cook all your meals in?

      No I am not in any what affiliated with the SFD

  46. Anonymous said...
    I guess they better not use the equipment for a parade or doing any other thing but going to a fire. This is the least amount of tax payer waste compared to the corruption of government. If this is the worst thing you people have to complain about, then I'm happy for you.

    July 11, 2013 at 3:56 PM

    Um, we are not comparing any least amount of waste compared to the corruption of government. You are not a city tax payer so you are to stupid to realize this is city government corruption. Go crawl back under your rock.

  47. Anonymous said...
    11:02 Said.. "It makes no sense to think they should be able to ride at taxpayers expense. No business would allow this. What's wrong with packing a lunch or sending someone out to bring it back. Taking an expensive piece of equipment that gets 2 miles to the gallon is ridiculous. Don't come asking for donations as long as this is going on."

    So UPS AND fedex drivers dont use company vehicles for lunch???

    This is so old.. people here are beyond stupid.

    July 11, 2013 at 2:52 PM

    Hey dumb dumb, UPS and FedEx drives jobs are delivering packages on the road. They aren't assigned to a station like firemen. You people are to stupid to make comparisons to justify your own jobs. You fireman need to get a real job and quit being lazy. How many tax paying citizens get to work only 9 days a month. Maybe we should take away your cushy 24 hour shifts and make you work straight 8 hour shifts on a rotating schedule like most workers.

    1. Shows how much you actually know about the fire service in Salisbury. Station 2 on Brown st. Has a 7a-5p mon-fri paid fire crew.

      No I am not affiliated with the SFD in any way.

  48. anonymous 5:55, I hope its ME taking the picture. Circulating it where, at the fire palace. Why would we care. Just another threat from another firefighter in yet another attempt to stop the public from making Ireton, Hoppes and the Firefighters accountable.

    More proof they are out of control.

  49. Would there be enough volleys who could leave their day jobs to fight fires and are qualified to drive the equipment? I thought the reason for paid firemen was there were not enough volunteers to handle day time fires.

    The volunteer is not required to be at the firehouse therefore if there were no paid firemen, equipment could not be on its way until a volunteer driver arrived from home, or bar or wherever. Volunteers have to keep up with training so I would think one would see equipment around town as much as now. What would happen when 10 volleys show up for a fire call but neither had the training to drive equipment. This is a problem with local fire companies who are all volunteer. It appears to me to get rid of all paid firemen cauaea more problems and solves none. I could well be wrong in my thinking - wouldn't be the first time.

  50. From the sound of some of these posts from firefighters, it sounds like they have lost all respect for themselves, their profession, and the taxpayer's they are responsible to serve.

  51. Wait a minute now. Just WHY do these employees need to run their errands and pick up lunch, cash their checks at SECU, or anything else in a taxpayer funded vehicle.? The bus drivers in Ocean City 30 minutes for lunch and they must walk from whether their bus parking area is. Further, you never see OC fire fighting equipment at any convenience stops there. That's a good thing given the liability of nearly a million dollars in taxpayer assets that are being put at risk. Salisbury needs someone with a little common sense to run their fire department since whoever is doing it now shows that they are not capable.

  52. It's a different situation to compare the PD to the FD also. Policemen are expected to be out on the road a lot, firemen are not. Got it??? Quit wasting our fuel firemen!

  53. There is a full sized commercial kitchen in that $14 Million dollar palace on Cypress Street, there is a renovated kitchen at Station 1 and there is a full sized kitchen at Station 2 so why do they have to eat out every single day. Why can't they save money and bring their own lunch. Oh yeah if they don't need to save money like us every day tax payers then maybe they are making way to much money.

    I say get rid of the paid firemen.

  54. Anonymous said...
    Really Albero, what is your point here you little pussy bitch. Come on over the the station and throw your childish tantrum, see where it gets you.

    July 11, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    Another threat from a paid fireman. Mayor Ireton needs to get rid of that clown Hoppes and put a real fire chief in there that will clean house. The city doesn't need bottom feeders like this working their.

  55. The common belief here is that these firemen eat at Taylor's everyday. I don't think so Bud. Their food is good, but nobody would eat at the same restaurant everyday. I live within sight of and seldom se any fire vehicles in the parking lot. I'm not sure what your beef with the firemen is, but it you make yourself look bad. I personally don't care where they eat or how they do it as long as they come when I call.

  56. I am going to step up and asked what none of the viewers have dared to ask. Just what is your problem with the firefighters getting something to eat. I haven't seen you post about the Police, Public Works, Building Inspections or any other City agency. They all grab a bite to eat during the day but you key in on just the firemen.

  57. The paid firefighters that are currently working for the Salisbury Fire Department are definitely bottom feeders. They have taken a job with the Salisbury Fire Department because they couldn't get a job at a real fire department like Anne Arundel County, PG County, Baltimore County. Well you get the picture. Heck they couldn't even get a job with the Ocean City Fire Department. Many, but not all are real scum bags. Don't get me wrong there are some great employees at the fire department, but the ones writing on here and making threats are a danger to this city. Get rid of them now.

    1. Actually Salisbury's pre-employment physical assessment is considered to be more difficult than Ocean City's and is extremely comparable to the CPAT test used by AA, PG, BC, Howard, and Montgomery counties.

      Oh by the way I am in no way affiliated with the SFD. I just happen to know more than you do.

  58. You are on to something here Joe.
    If this goes on all over the country you could make a national campaign out of this.
    What does this amount of waste amount to nationally? Scary what that toatal might be.

  59. Fat Hoppes is talking on the radio now. Something rare because he is fat and lazy.

  60. Just to let people know a trunk the size of a fire trunk takes 6.72 to 7.02 mpg(miles per gallon.) And with the idiot triple(Obama, O'Malley, and Ireton.) gas prices are going to continue to go up and gas is 3.59 for diesel for the cheapest place in Salisbury currently. So look at how much money that is lost compared to taking a car that take you at least 20 miles per gallon.

  61. 7:26
    The towns that surround Salisbury do not have any paid firefighters and seem to make out just fine.

    1. And they run one-tenth the amount of calls, look up the statistics before you make an uneducated response.

  62. All these firemen on the computer bad mouthing tax payers and Joe.
    Don't you have a fire to put out?
    How many hours do you spend looking a blogs, facebook and lord knows what else.

  63. They should be doing their jobs instead of wasting tax money. Like helping install showerheads.

  64. Jennette at Taylors told me Tom Claybaugh from the daily Times paid for their lunch. So no expense to tax payers.

  65. Joe I think you should label a post each day "Unedited Comments Language Warning" and let people see the way these idiots really feel and the lack of class they show when they don't think the public will read the comments!

  66. It's a real shame that the people of Salisbury feel this way. The Fire Department is the back bone of the city, and saves the city millions of dollars in insurance premiums because of their quick response with the insurance rating. Not to mention the millions of dollars of property that they save every month because of their quick response. And it's crazy that people have to criticize them, and take pictures of them because they are eating lunch in a FD vehicle. So they drove a fire truck to get a sandwich. Who cares????? I'm sure there are many areas of the City that can tighten up and save money, but we're not taking pics of 12 people from the Public Works fixing a patch in the black top on the street (yes 12 to fix one patch), but we're taking a pic of firemen trying to eat some lunch. Something just isn't right, and it's sad. These people that are fire fighters in Salisbury actually care about about what they do. It looks as though the ones taking pictures should maybe find themselves a job. If they were working how could they be taking pictures? And if they were on lunch, were THEY in a company vehicle?

  67. Anonymous said...
    Would there be enough volleys who could leave their day jobs to fight fires and are qualified to drive the equipment? I thought the reason for paid firemen was there were not enough volunteers to handle day time fires.

    The volunteer is not required to be at the firehouse therefore if there were no paid firemen, equipment could not be on its way until a volunteer driver arrived from home, or bar or wherever. Volunteers have to keep up with training so I would think one would see equipment around town as much as now. What would happen when 10 volleys show up for a fire call but neither had the training to drive equipment. This is a problem with local fire companies who are all volunteer. It appears to me to get rid of all paid firemen cauaea more problems and solves none. I could well be wrong in my thinking - wouldn't be the first time.

    July 11, 2013 at 7:26 PM

    A paid fireman seems to be worried about his job.

  68. Anonymous said...
    The common belief here is that these firemen eat at Taylor's everyday. I don't think so Bud. Their food is good, but nobody would eat at the same restaurant everyday. I live within sight of and seldom se any fire vehicles in the parking lot. I'm not sure what your beef with the firemen is, but it you make yourself look bad. I personally don't care where they eat or how they do it as long as they come when I call.

    July 11, 2013 at 8:55 PM

    I've heard this same rant before and I know it is coming from a paid fireman and not a tax payer.

  69. Anonymous said...
    I am going to step up and asked what none of the viewers have dared to ask. Just what is your problem with the firefighters getting something to eat. I haven't seen you post about the Police, Public Works, Building Inspections or any other City agency. They all grab a bite to eat during the day but you key in on just the firemen.

    July 11, 2013 at 9:03 PM

    Quit lying! We know they all don't "grab a bite to eat during the day." They bring their lunch.

  70. The paid firemen must make to much money if they can afford to eat at restaurants every day. Maybe they need more furloughs.

    1. The average salary for a paid Firefighter/EMT (they are all dual certified, it's a requirement of the job) at the SFD makes between 34,000-37,000 per year.

      This well less than the national average.

  71. The problem isn't really the paid firemen. It's the fire chief who allows them to get away with this waste. Get rid of Hoppes ASAP for dereliction of duties.

  72. 11:02 It is us the Taxpayer's who care and we have a voice and will be heard. Also, to continue your remedial education, We care about the dozen guys fixing a pot hole also, perhaps you could send in some photos for us. Backbone? really, more like a cancerous tumor on our ass cheek.

  73. I don't have lunch there very often, but when I do, * when I drive by, they're there. I've seen them at Emty bank & the Super Giant frequently as well. (My brotherinlaw got fired for stopping at the post office in his linens of the week truck...at the post office...)

  74. Hey. That new firehause has a kitchen worthy of Food networks Iron Chef. I'd give anything to be able to have one even almost like it. Maybe, they just need someone to cook their meals. Would it cost less than gas money?

  75. Next thing you know they will use the fire boat to go to Brew River for lunch.

  76. Once again what's the big deal about the firemen eating lunch? As you may or may not be able to tell, the place where they are eating is very close to the firehouse. In case of a fire, they will be able to respond quickly. I'm a firm believer in "what goes around comes around". Lets hope that you people who have nothing better to do than harass the firefighters, won't need them. When we see them out eating lunch, we should actually offer to pay for their lunch. They put their lives on the line every time they help one of you a**holes that are harassing them.

  77. Let me get this straight....most of you complaining are probably at work while on this blog and while commenting, am I right? Also, most of you at your jobs get at least a half hour lunch break, am I wrong? Firefighters/ems do not get a set lunch break...yes, some days are much slower than others but there is no set break you get it when you get it and even then if a call comes you stop eating. My point being, if you all think you can do the job better then go do it!!! Otherwise, get off your high horse and get back to work with your lunch breaks....I'm sure your employers would love to see you work harder instead of being on a blog while in the workplace!

  78. Anonymous said...
    The towns that surround Salisbury do not have any paid firefighters and seem to make out just fine.

    July 11, 2013 at 9:54 PM


  79. Anonymous said...
    Jennette at Taylors told me Tom Claybaugh from the daily Times paid for their lunch. So no expense to tax payers.

    July 11, 2013 at 10:28 PM

    Liar, Liar pants on fire.

    Let's say he did buy their lunch that's only one time.

    So no expense to tax payers? Are you so ignorant to realize the point of the post is taking million dollar fire trucks that burn fuel to the restaurants. Are you that ignorant to understand that no one is saying that tax payers buy their lunches? Please go crawl back under your liberal rock in Obama land.

  80. Anonymous said...
    It's a real shame that the people of Salisbury feel this way. The Fire Department is the back bone of the city, and saves the city millions of dollars in insurance premiums because of their quick response with the insurance rating. Not to mention the millions of dollars of property that they save every month because of their quick response. And it's crazy that people have to criticize them, and take pictures of them because they are eating lunch in a FD vehicle. So they drove a fire truck to get a sandwich. Who cares????? I'm sure there are many areas of the City that can tighten up and save money, but we're not taking pics of 12 people from the Public Works fixing a patch in the black top on the street (yes 12 to fix one patch), but we're taking a pic of firemen trying to eat some lunch. Something just isn't right, and it's sad. These people that are fire fighters in Salisbury actually care about about what they do. It looks as though the ones taking pictures should maybe find themselves a job. If they were working how could they be taking pictures? And if they were on lunch, were THEY in a company vehicle?

    July 11, 2013 at 11:02 PM

    LMAO!! This is definitely a paid fireman writing this.

    Saving millions of dollars in insurance for the city? Wrong. I pay a lot for my homeowners insurance and the ISO isn't that great. It's actually pathetic.

    Saving millions of dollars in property every month because of their quick response? Wrong. There rarely are any fires in Salisbury and all new construction has to have fire sprinklers so that is what is saving property if their was a fire. Guess what, their aren't that many fires period.

    Twelve public works employees patching a pot hole? Definitely proof this is a fireman trying to distract the subject.

    Going out to get a sandwich? Make that sandwich at home or at the Executive Kitchen at the Palace.

  81. Anonymous said...
    I am not a firefighter, police officer, or anyone that drives a city, county, or state owned vehicle. But I am a taxpayer. It is getting out of hand when there are so many other issues going on.

    July 12, 2013 at 7:06 AM

    If you think this is no concern then sign your name Mr. Fireman, I mean Mr. Tax Payer!

  82. Anonymous said...
    All these firemen on the computer bad mouthing tax payers and Joe.
    Don't you have a fire to put out?
    How many hours do you spend looking a blogs, facebook and lord knows what else.

    July 11, 2013 at 10:15 PM

    Don't they have a fire to put out? NO!

  83. I am going to step up and asked what none of the viewers have dared to ask. Just what is your problem with the firefighters getting something to eat. I haven't seen you post about the Police, Public Works, Building Inspections or any other City agency. They all grab a bite to eat during the day but you key in on just the firemen.

    Let me explain...firefighters can eat, but it is not acceptable to use firetrucks as taxis. It's a policy and leadership problem. They can take their own vehicle or can order in. If they are being paid to staff the station, then they need to staff the station. It's really pretty simple. I have not seen public works vehicles used this way or I would be complaining about that too.

  84. Anonymous said...
    Next thing you know they will use the fire boat to go to Brew River for lunch.

    July 12, 2013 at 8:04 AM

    Now that is funny. Sad but true.

    Buy the way that million dollar fire boat has been in service for over a year and a half and hasn't even responded on it's first true emergency yet.

  85. Anonymous said...
    11:02 It is us the Taxpayer's who care and we have a voice and will be heard. Also, to continue your remedial education, We care about the dozen guys fixing a pot hole also, perhaps you could send in some photos for us. Backbone? really, more like a cancerous tumor on our ass cheek.

    July 12, 2013 at 2:46 AM


  86. Anonymous said...
    Let me get this straight....most of you complaining are probably at work while on this blog and while commenting, am I right? Also, most of you at your jobs get at least a half hour lunch break, am I wrong? Firefighters/ems do not get a set lunch break...yes, some days are much slower than others but there is no set break you get it when you get it and even then if a call comes you stop eating. My point being, if you all think you can do the job better then go do it!!! Otherwise, get off your high horse and get back to work with your lunch breaks....I'm sure your employers would love to see you work harder instead of being on a blog while in the workplace!

    July 12, 2013 at 8:31 AM

    The only difference is the real hard workers out there don't get paid for the hour or half hour lunch. However the paid fireman get paid for 24 hours, 10 hours or 8 hours depending on what shift they work. They get a paid lunch and a paid dinner where real employees don't.

    1. You couldn't even do the job.

  87. I have been a volunteer for a long time and I can tell you that ALL of the paid firemen hate volunteers. Some of the paid firemen were close friends of mine until they started getting a pay check as a paid fireman. At that point and time they turned on me and other volunteers and had nothing to do with us. Their attitudes changed and they had this feeling of self importance and act like they are better than us. Many of them are writing on this blog as we speak because I hear them talking about it in the kitchens and the lounges.

  88. let me understand all of this. There are jobs leaving this area everyday,no new companies even interested in coming to the area,unemployment climbing everyday,and the list goes on and on. The locals here dont have a clue!!!no wonder this area is in the shape its in and sinking fast,and all of you brainless morons can seem to be worried about is a fire truck in front of an eatery? Oh and take shots at joe albero? The man doesnt even live in the state of Maryland,couldnt come close to winning an election and does nothing to help any situation anymore yet you all fall for this crap. I havent lived in my new town in florida 2 weeks yet and yet a third large company bringing another 700 or so good paying jobs is on its way!!!!Leaving Delmarva was the best thing i could have ever done for my family. You born heres,the ones who love to cry and complain do nothing and soon wont have much here to do anything with as the people who brought things here leave, Good Luck you all need it. This (news) blog lol is at least fun to read

  89. anon 3:43..In reference to your comment about the fire trucks being at the Food Lion on Nanticoke Road, Thank GOD they were there when my house was on fire. They left when the call came in and because they were there, they arrived quicker and saved a life. They got there before the other fire dept. that is for that area. Such ignorant and childish comments on here. This is more gossip than news anymore. Sad.

  90. Maybe there should be a substation at the Foodlion if service to the outlying area is a problem. However, using this equipment for lunch runs and personal errands isn't appropriate in the opinion of this taxpayer.

  91. Lol keep eating there every day if nothing else but just to piss these idiots off. Excellent. Hey idiots im glad your taxes are high.

  92. Oh those silly fire fighters and their lunch!

  93. IF in fact this is referring to today, SUNDAY,7/14 Taylors is closed..
    on Sundays

  94. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good ..cause when i find out who is taking the photos and stirring this up im gonna beat the piss out if them.this topic has gone way past this site.while shoppingwith my family we get approached chased yelled at you name it over this.my wife gets complaints and told off and has no clue what i do but fight fire.my children have to listen to you idiots rant and rave while in public.real nice Joe allowing this to get this far our families are being affected

    July 14, 2013 at 11:11 AM

    Stop what YOU'RE doing and THEY won't have a reason to do such things.

    It's really that simple. Why do you guys keep doing what the TAXPAYERS don't want you to do?

    You people are like spoiled little CHILDREN. Determined to do whatever you want and throw a hissy fit when some ADULTS tell you no.

    You know this crap is not going to be allowed forever. If you were smart you would clean up your act NOW before you get FIRED later.

    I hope when that time comes, and it is coming, you will be able to find a REAL job. Let's see if your new boss will let you take a company vehicle to go get lunch.

    1. Lets see you do this REAL job, oh by the way, what you all are complaining about is complete common practice in 99% of all paid FDs.

  95. Ok how long is Hoppes going to allow this to happen? Better yet how long is Ireton going to allow Hoppes to allow this to happen!!

  96. Time to divert your focus to the extra $500,000 Ireton's crew now needs for the new animal health building because it now costs more than they planned. Be sure to listen to the WHOLE audio from today;s work session. Don;t miss how Ireton wants to restructure the executive function. I lost count of how many people he will now have as city executives.

  97. 12:44
    Well I would hope they run less calls since they have a smaller population. More people equals more calls but it also means they have more people they can pull from to volunteer to handle these calls. I think you missed the point. You are only interested in keeping your job.


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