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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Taxpayers May Have To Foot Hotel Debt Obligation

BALTIMORE —The Baltimore City-owned Hilton Hotel has become a financial drain, and next month a decision will have to be made whether to tap the city's general fund to cover debt payments.

The taxpayer-funded hotel has lost millions each year since it opened in 2008. Then Mayor Martin O'Malley pushed the project through City Council to boost Baltimore's convention business.

Now governor, O'Malley blames former Gov. Bob Ehrlich for not committing state taxpayers to the project.

"You may recall, at the time, that we asked we were told no by the then governor," O'Malley said.



  1. I'm surprised he didn't blame George Bush. When the Democrats fail with poor decisions they blame it on Republicans. It's getting old people.

  2. Taxpayers own the hotel, hotel owner is responsible for debt. Why is this news?

  3. Um, Aren't all hotels profitable ventures? Except, of course the ones who go under, suffering foreclosure. Never heard of one getting a "Bailout".

    I'll bend over now and grab my ankles???

    I think not.

  4. Maryland is now using taxpayer dollars to operate hotel ventures??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    When did the Legislature vote this in, and who did it?

    And when it failed, well, it failed. Game over.

  5. Just like this stupid governor, he makes a very poor decision then places the blame on someone else. If he stopped all the knee-jerk decisions he does on a daily basis, and had he actually studied the problem and their business model he would not have made such a terrible mistake. The error was otaxie's no one else.

  6. O'Malley has been funding his construction company donors for years and has carried that into the Governor's mansion. Remember his move to cut teacher pension funding, give out money for school construction? The big builders has no private sector business due to the economic downturn. This practice is now being witnessed in Salisbury with the Gillis deals.

  7. Not to worry.. Our legislature will just pass another tax on the Eastern Shore to pay for Baltimore's screw-ups, just like they have done before.

  8. The hotel opened in 2008, Gov. Bob Ehrlich term was 2003-2007, how does he do something that he has no power over.

  9. Maybe if the economy was better and we didn't have to pay so many taxes people could afford to take a vacation. Sorry Omalley took office in 2007 a year before this hotel opened. He can't blame Ehrlich for this one.

  10. Call on Paris. She'll fix it!

  11. Special interest at work,how else does this happen.

  12. Test out drone strikes on the hotel, simple.


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