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Monday, July 01, 2013

RISING SEAS Water May Swamp Tubman Sites

CHURCH CREEK — Harriet Tubman led slaves to freedom through the thick reeds and marshes of her hometown on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

And in an effort to preserve that history, President Barack Obama recently designated the area the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument.

But even a presidential proclamation can't halt natural forces.

Sea levels have been rising in the Chesapeake Bay at more than twice the global rate — and one of the most important stops on the Underground Railroad likely will be largely underwater within the next 50 years.



  1. Al Gore is a genius! What a darn shame he was robbed in 2000.He would have deprived us of 9/11,Iraq,and Afghanistan.

  2. Well dig it up and move it to higher ground.

  3. Bullsh**! The Chesapeake Bay is at sea level. It's physically impossible for it's level to rise any faster than sea level anywhere else in the world.

    Anything you read or hear from a liberal is a lie!

  4. 2:17-Sit back,take a deep breath and think about your comment for a while.The Chesapeake Bay being at sea level IS the problem.

  5. 335, sit back, take a deep breath, and read the article again. It says the sea level in the Bay is rising at twice the rate as everywhere on the globe! Now, please explain to everyone how that works! Did someone spill the anti-gravity sauce in the Bay or something????

  6. Well, at least the sea level rise is limited to the Chesapeake Bay and only affecting historical structures and places! The rest of the world will remain unaffected, it sounds like. I'll just move down the Outer Banks and be just fine!

    And to think there are people who will swallow this hog wash!


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