Random thoughts on the passing scene:
Edmund Burke said, "There is no safety for honest men, but by believing all possible evil of evil men." Evil men do not always snarl. Some smile charmingly. Those are the most dangerous. If you don't think the mainstream media slants the news, keep track of how often they tell you that the Arctic ice pack is shrinking and how seldom they tell you that the Antarctic ice pack is expanding. The latter news would not fit the "global warming" scenario that so many in the media are promoting.
Someone has referred to Vice President Biden as President Obama's "impeachment insurance." Even critics who are totally opposed to Barack Obama's policies do not want anything to cut short his presidency, with Joe Biden as his successor.
People who refuse to accept unpleasant truths have no right to complain about politicians who lie to them. What other kind of candidates would such people elect?
Given the shortage of articulate Republican leaders, it will be a real loss – to the country, not just to the Republicans – if Senator Marco Rubio discredits himself, early in his career, by supporting "comprehensive" immigration reform that amounts to just another amnesty, with false promises to secure the border.
Obviously Obama's handlers picked the most bizarre incompetent drunken uncle boob they could find because they knew a communist Muslim would not be a big hit with most of the country. The obvious solution to this problem is to have them both impeached if possible or removed by whatever means necessary. The damage they are doing is getting past repair without a reset. Resets are Hell for everybody. Read between the lines.
ReplyDeletespot on mr. sowell.