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Friday, July 26, 2013

President Obama And Governor O’Malley: Strengthening The Middle Class

Yesterday, President Obama laid out his vision for rebuilding an economy that puts the middle class and those fighting to join it front and center. Here in Maryland, we remain committed to strengthening our middle class by making investments that create jobs, educate our children, protect our homes, strengthen our safety net, care for our families, and provide more opportunity for all Marylanders.
Creating Jobs

Here’s what the President said:

“The first cornerstone of a strong and growing middle class has to be an economy that generates more good jobs in durable, growing industries. …Businesses depend on our transportation systems, our power grids, our communications networks – and rebuilding them creates good-paying jobs that can’t be outsourced.”

Here’s what we are doing in Maryland:
Creating jobs, recovering over 99% of the jobs lost in the recession in addition to leading the region in job creation. In 2013, we’ve created 25,800 new jobs at the fastest rate in the region and nearly twice as fast as our neighbors in Virginia;
Fostering collaboration between businesses, local governments, and non-profits so workers are training for the skills that high-demand sectors like construction, manufacturing, cyber, and healthcare;
Making it easier for our veterans to find jobs by ensuring they and their families receive the credit they deserve for their military training, education and experience – both from licensing boards and institutions of higher learning;
Strengthening our infrastructure while creating over 57,200 jobs and reducing congestion in Maryland through the Transportation Infrastructure Investment Act of 2013;
Cutting the red tape between entrepreneurs and starting a business in Maryland by launching the Central Business Licensing portal – a one-stop, online shop for licensing a new business.



  1. He's still sticking to his lies. Lie big enough and long enough and people will believe it..

  2. more of the same. BS-flavored kool-aid

    1. Your right 10:13, a double dip of full blown B.S.. Tax em to death O'Malley and lie to them till they turn into a brownie Obama, are the biggest know nothings of economic growth.

  3. Does anyone really believe this crap? 7.9 percent unemployment is in no way creating jobs. Fact, when O'Malley took office the unemployment rate was 3.9%. Why can't Democrats stop lying? It must be a disease.

  4. The only way to grow the middle class is by helping to strengthen business's.

  5. There is no way MD has recovered all of the jobs lost. They are lying through their stained teeth.

  6. Taxes and regulations only create jobs and salaries for the public sector. Name one tax or regulation that has increased the profit of a private business without cronyism.

  7. Cut welfare. Build a middle class who doesn't support other people's kids.

  8. How do you figure?

  9. Their idea of strengthening the middle class is two part time jobs and a EBT card.

  10. The good paying jobs in Maryland are related to IT and working for contractors serving the Federal Government, and replacing skilled medical pros who are planning to leave due to Obamacare. I kid you not - check out Monster and see for yourself.

    So you can either be a high tech rat, subverting the constitution by spying on your countrymen, or you can pile on a ton of student loans while your chances of repaying them dwindle.


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