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Sunday, July 28, 2013

OCPD Charges Fourth Person in Sunday’s Beach Fight

Dalima Ekunday Ibironk Palmer
On July 25, 2013, Ocean City police charged an additional suspect related to a fight on the beach that occurred Sunday, July 21. At approximately 2:30 p.m. on July 21, Ocean City police responded to the beach at North Division Street in reference to group acting in a disorderly manner.

When officers approached the suspects, the group began to yell at officers and act in a threatening manner. That is when three members of the group, including Dalima Ekundayo Ibironke Palmer, 24, of Dumfries, VA, assaulted officers and resisted arrest. When police detained Palmer, it was learned that Palmer was pregnant. While in police custody, Palmer was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center, at which time the charging process was halted.

Palmer has been charged by summons with second degree assault, disorderly conduct, obstructing and hindering a law enforcement officer from completing his lawful duties, and resisting arrest. At the time of this release, Palmer’s date in District Court has yet to be scheduled.


  1. Mmmm , wake up with that ! NOT!

  2. Nice name, makes it easier to have multiple aliases, what a waste of humane flesh.

  3. If the POTUS had a 24 yr old daughter she'd looks just like her!

  4. Look until the african american community starts to weed out the vermon thugs from their communities..they will make the majority of solid good black citzens look bad..some of these morons are illegals who think that by being here they have rights...why is this? Why does our government cater to this..deport deport deport..we do not want these idiots here ....please understand i am not being racist but hell why are citizens of this country paying for something.... that should never have happened if our borders were protected and immigration laws ennforced..want immigration reform!!kicked the illegals back to the end of the line to get in legally..like everyone else

  5. Angela Jolie Would love those lips!

  6. at first glance she looks like a perfect candidate for a job with the current whitehouse staff.........

  7. Caption her image:....??Duh???

  8. Is this what young people call having a good time? Even after she was arrested the young lady was given ample opportunity to be civil.For reasons that the older generation(like myself) cannot understand,she remained hostile and disrespectful.Given the circumstances,the OC Police Dept did everything properly and by the book.A job well done.

  9. She is nasty looking. Please send her back to where she came from. She is not an American!

  10. They be profiling people!
    Someone call Al for me and get him down here to stir up some dookie!

  11. I wonder how much government assistance that bunch is mooching off the tax payers?

    Liberal Americans that think this is acceptable need to be tried for treason and shot. A civil war is looming. The soft hearted liberals need to be eradicated.

  12. Unfortunately, the liberal lawyers are lining up by the dozens to sue the City of Ocean City. Anytime a “black” person is arrested, it’s never what they did to cause it, but it is always the police’s fault. Being black must be fun; you never have to be responsible for what you say or what you do. Then you get to sue when you get caught.

  13. And she will play the victim because she was pregnant. She'll make it look like the cops attacked an innocent pregnant lady.

  14. I don't think this young lady is very popular with the locals this morning. I will be nice and offer a compliment, she have nice lipps! [:

  15. Evolution didn't do her any favors!

  16. Montgomery County Thugs!

  17. Talking about lip service, she's got Mick Jagger beat all to hell.

  18. This is not a human being.

    1. Same thing the Nazis said about Jews. When is the next Tea Party rally?

  19. 3:32 I'm in agreement with you. My question is can anyone tell us what it is. Bet she voted for Obama though. Don't say that couldn't happen. Proven fact, even dead people voted for Obama.

  20. These things are refugees from Somalia. When she drops that baby, they will get the welfare, the EBT card, and everything else.

  21. Those "things" are human beings. Yes what they did was wrong! I am also willing to bet that not one of you morons was there when the incident occurred. Typical eastern shore ignorance . You are all no better than they are! I'm happy to say I don't live there anymore. You all act like ocean city is the biggest thing to ever happen, well it's not. It's a two bit tourist trap most of you can't afford to buy a meal for your family in. Delmarva was a nice place to visit some time ago. But anyone spending any real time here can easily see its not a place to raise a family

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself!

  22. 9:10am
    Where do you suggest we raise our families?

  23. her mom should be tar and feather for picking out that name

  24. 9:10 Are you saying that the Boston Marathon bombers and the Arabs that took out the World Trade Center were human beings as well. I'll bet you think Travon was innocent and Obama doesn't lie. These people are troublemakers and no right to disrupt other people for political or personal gain.

  25. I'm even more happier to say you don't live here anymore 9:10 because you and your politically correct BS is what is wrong with this country.
    Sorry your standards are so grossly low but to a lot of us these "things" with no morals, no respect and no principles aren't fit to breath the same air as us.
    When these "things" start to resemble something that has evolved into a civilized human being then they will deserve to be treated as such.
    In the meantime don't even think about coming back here. You spineless dishonest wonders are not welcome.
    PS-don't worry about me not being able to afford a meal. One thing's for certain-I have more money in my back pocket then you will ever hope to have.
    As far as "eastern shore ignorance?". It's apparent you have never lived nor visited any exclusive areas in your life. This type of bashing is most prominent in those areas.

  26. I was a bystander that day. the other 3 thugs didn't get what they deserved. should of been shot the way they act. she walked up, tried to interfere with the arrest of the others, and for no reason, punched an officer in the face. she should of known better being pregnant. im sure it is het 20th child. looks like a baboon from the Washington zoo. just sayin.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Those "things" are human beings. Yes what they did was wrong! I am also willing to bet that not one of you morons was there when the incident occurred. Typical eastern shore ignorance . You are all no better than they are! I'm happy to say I don't live there anymore. You all act like ocean city is the biggest thing to ever happen, well it's not. It's a two bit tourist trap most of you can't afford to buy a meal for your family in. Delmarva was a nice place to visit some time ago. But anyone spending any real time here can easily see its not a place to raise a family

    July 28, 2013 at 9:10 AM

    You are a soft hearted liberal moron who voted for Obama. You should be hung for being disgusting like you are.

    If you don't like the Eastern Shore then why are you reading this blog?

  28. Let the sister go!

  29. Sure thats not Dennis Rodman in drag?

  30. First of all im not defending people who commit crime,they are all scum. What i said was that everyone is a human being. Im far from spineless and not dishonest.I have spent twenty years visiting and then living on the shore. You locals "born heres" wouldnt know what exclusive is. You love to trash the same people who come here spend a ton of money. You hate the come heres who according to you have ruined the shore.I guess all the money they brought and spent wasnt enough either. Do i think travon was innocent? unlike the rest of you if i dont know something for sure or wasnt there when something happened id rather not pass judgment....It makes you look really stupid to jump to conclusion over something you know nothing about. I wasnt there with the beach deal or the travon deal or 911. Im far from politically correct...but i dont rush to judgment on things i wasnt there to witness.I was very close to were 911 happened and there is alot more to the story than just terrorists. To the person who asked me were to raise a family i will tell you this...I moved my family to delmarva years ago thinking the beauty of the area would be great for them. I came to realize theres nothing on delmarva for kids after high school and college. I chose to move my family to florida,outstanding schools,great jobs,the arts,the beach. My kids can go to college here and find well paying jobs here. Were you have people you have jobs.Oh to 12:46 your the moron...i didnt bash i spoke the truth. Delmarva may be a great place to visit but not to live and raise a family. As far as money...I live in a town that ranks second in the nation for millionaires....people that brag about what they have generaly dont..What i will say is that i have an excellent paying job and am thankful for it...i dont have to brag. Delmarva is fading fast...loss of jobs,jump in crime,and the biggest failure is the fact that people cant see it so you cant fix it.

  31. 1. They are from Sierra Leon, not Somalia. 2. How are they Montgomery County thugs, if they are from VIRGINIA? Wrong state. 3. I hope all of them get slammed and not just a slap on the wrist. Anyone who was there and saw them assault those officers should come forward and offer to make a statement.

  32. 4:35 PM: You wrote (or tried to write): "... your [sic] the moron..." and "...It makes you look really stupid..." (There's about 40 more examples of grammatical errors and poor sentence structure - but why pile on?)
    Before you start throwing stones, I strongly suggest you give Night School a shot and take a remedial English class.
    It makes it look like "... your [sic] the moron..."

  33. i wasnt interested in being grammatical,it was more about bringing up points. I dont get paid to write for a living. The Eastern Shore was a great place and in some ways it still is. I still come to the blog to get a good laugh.....its sad once you take off the rose colored glasses and truly see whats really happening. Thats why i moved and would never come back......The truth is very sad and in the end as delmarva sinks it will be very hard to recover from.

  34. 1:32-At least you understood what 4:35 was trying to say.I had to call in a translator.

  35. I've lived in some pretty "exclusive" places such as the Principality of Monaco, Newport RI and Middleburg VA and one thing is for certain-If this young lady happened to venture into any of the above mentioned places she would be "profiled" like no one has ever seen before.
    Quite a few of the residents of these places have nothing better to do because they are so financially secure that watching and keeping unsavory outsiders out by making them feel uncomfortable is a favorite (and welcomed by other residents) pastime. It matters not if they have money to spend because it's their baggage such as the crime they bring with them that's important and has to be kept out otherwise areas suffer financially in the long run.

    An interesting tidbit-Monaco has virtually no crime. Could it be because just about everyone is a high target due to their wealth and they arm themselves for that reason? Every time you go out in public you can look around and see you are surrounded by 10's of millions of dollars in gems, gold and platinum and no one is worried about getting robbed.

  36. It is sad that the child of someone like this will grow up just like her. It is sad that children are born without a chance of anything better in life than the actions of their parents which they learn by example. You attempt to show compassion and it turns and bites you in the a&&. They speak of separation of church and state - when really it is becoming separation of church and a Godless state.

  37. I keep looking for the interview - and certainly outrage - from her husband. Whether she was right or wrong, if this happened to my wife and my newborn, I would be absolutely livid, and would be at her side.


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