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Sunday, July 28, 2013

OC Taxpayers For Social Justice - Taxpayer's Rebellion Begins In OC

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  1. I believe the residents have simply had enough. I am really glad I sold my condo in OC. I saw the handwriting on the wall several years ago.

    People are just flat out mad.

  2. The residents probably saw the salary list of the municipal workers. I know I got upset when I looked at some of them. And I am not a resident of OC. I thought to myself - My God - have the town officials gone mad!

  3. since many place sin oc are not primary residence, the majority of the homeowners cannot vote.
    just an fyi

  4. I don't know if any of Wicomico's residents have noticed - but our property taxes are now exceeding what I call the yellow alarm stage. We are getting less and less and yet our taxes are gradually going up. I truly believe our elected officials have now exceeded the tolerable level here in Wicomico.

  5. That looks like a whole pile of crazy.


  7. The salaries are a drop in the bucket compared to the future liabilities for benefits for retirees.

  8. The bovine theme suits Joe Hall perfectly since he's full of B.S.

  9. We need to rebel against taxes in Salisbury as well.

  10. Responding to 1:13 PM - I agree

    It is to late to try and put this train back on the tracks. The OC pensions alone with suffocate all resources. Same analogy can be applied in most Maryland counties now that the teachers pension liability has been shifted.

  11. From scanning over the article, OC has gone to far. The residents are pushing back. This is happening everywhere though. Instead of government getting smaller, it is growing and there is not enough GDP growth to sustain these municipals. Take a look at Detroit - same analogy.

  12. OC Council are tyrants. They just keep trouncing on ordinary folks while feeding the elite.

  13. Check Out Fruitland's Taxes! Wicomico Tax and Spend Democrats! Oh yea the softball tournament brought in 100 million dollars this week end

  14. Joe Hall is not full of BS. It's the truth he is full of and that's what people don't want to hear. Ocean City is a mess. The mayor and current council have no control. They are being led around by the city employees, unions and political correctness. The only 2 true leaders left are Ashley and Pilas. They are the only 2 who truly care for the future of Ocean City. The others have no forward thinking and reasoning skills.

  15. This is not about all of the residences in O.C. This is about a couple of crybabies that did not get elected!

    Joe Hall could not be writing any of this, because he can not make a complete sentence.

    I love seeing Dennis Dare sitting in Joe Halls seat!

  16. I bought my house in Wicomico in 1992 and taxes were $528. My bill this year is $1,600. Value of the house has "doubled", so why isn't my tax at $1,056?????

  17. At one time,the Golden Sands condo building paid more taxes than the whole town of Berlin so with all the buildings OC should be flush with cash should'nt they?

  18. "I love seeing Dennis Dare sitting in Joe Halls "

    You do? Why? What do you think about the huge deficit OC is facing? Do you not understand what this means and the implications?
    Are you not aware that OC should be flush with money? Are you not aware that Hall and several other forward thinking council members were saying the real estate bubble wouldn't last? And just because there is extra money doesn't mean it needs to be spent?
    Why would you ever like irresponsible people who can't think forwardly or reasonably in elected positions?
    It must be you have very low standards and don't value responsibility? You must be a follower and not someone who is a leader?

  19. I have something to tell everyone you who are commenting here. I had several condos in OC. I thought that it would be an asset, but low and behold that is far from the truth. When I bought my condo, first thing the assessor latched onto was to determine my residency. That was my first misfortune. You see in order to have your property tax pegged at the 5% annual assessment limit - you first have to prove you are a full time resident - which I was not. Then came the bills. First there was the real property tax, then soon after was my sewer assessment - yes the city charges per fixture. I had (2) toilets, dishwaaher, washer, etc. and they charge for each one. On top of that I got my water bill. First off, OC has the highest water rate in the entire state. Then my condo fee came in - and to top it off we had a special assessment to cover a recent storm.

    Bottom line - my wife and I were screwed, blued, and tattooed with bills. So if you want to lose your money - make sure you don't bet on old Ocean Sunny.

  20. I can't imagine how anyone can sell their property down there. It looks like a money pit to me.

  21. OC is not for the middle class or upper middle class

  22. Those politicians are some dirty rotten scoundrels.

  23. This is how pea brained they are. OC has these huge deficits and they are farting about with parking meters. Like they are going to make any kind of dent.

  24. To 8:02 Comment

    Are you aware that the parking meters cover virtually every street in the Town of OC. That's right they are now everywhere - along every inch of curbing. The revenue created by these meters and fines are horrendous.

  25. The OC residents are just now starting to realize that they have become the 'servants' and the municipality is the slave owner. I have seen this happen before, ie Detroit. They are already on the road to a financial meltdown.

  26. 9:05-I don't believe that is currently true. I don't believe they are on side streets from about 10th St north.
    The revenue generated is not nearly going to come close to covering the city employee raises nor the reinstated retirement packages. It's like trying to come up with a hundred bucks with pennies found in the sand.
    They shot from the hip without a thought in their heads how to pay for all this stuff now they are scrambling trying to come up with the money and are going to end up having borrow it.
    I think there should be a recall. They sold their soul for what they perceive to be the honor of being on the council instead of doing what is right for the future of the town.
    Now they are running around like the Happy Larry's they are trying to snatch pennies out of the air by installing more meters and cutting bus service.
    They are going to leave one hell of a legacy aren't they? Their families should be really proud of them-LOL-for directing ruining the town for future generations.

  27. OC is no longer a real destination. No real value for the dollar. No real answer for their vacation guest, just another year that they and the chosen friends get to work for 100 days, then take off to the FL. Keys for the rest of the year. Sorry all but the 100+ municipal employees who make $125k plus for real work for a few months. Great Job Rick!!!

  28. We certainly could use a little Cattle Prodding around here in Wicomico/Salisbury.

  29. In Wicomico, Salisbury & Fruitland, contact: wicomicopatriots@gmail.com for meeting information and how they can help advocate against excessive taxes, -- if they're not already working on that! BTW, I'm SOOO glad to see (hear) that others are FINALLY waking up to what I've been trying to expose for years! THANK you! As for the local bobble-headed Kool-Aid drinkers, like I told Lloyd Martin, 'If you don't get it, then ya just don't get it.'

  30. Responding to 11:06

    I wish someone would take a cattle prod to our County Executive's butt. Maybe he would trim back the budget so that the majority of taxpayers could have some elbow room.

  31. Someone told me they wanted to go to this but were afraid because they think the knight family acts so low class and common and vulgar on other sites writing things in a threatening tone and challenging people w/ vulgarities like they don't have the you know whats to say things publically.


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