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Thursday, July 25, 2013

OC Police Defends Beach Melee Handling

OCEAN CITY -- Despite conflicting reports about the melee on the beach at N. Division Street last Sunday afternoon that resulted in three men being arrested on assault charges and a pregnant woman being wrestled to the ground, Ocean City police officials this week are standing by the actions of the officers involved.

Around 2:30 p.m. last Sunday, Ocean City Police responded to a reported group of disorderly males. The request for assistance came from an Ocean City Beach Patrol lifeguard, who told police he approached the group to speak with them, at which time he was threatened.

When OCPD officers attempted to speak with the suspect, identified as Abdul Kargbo, 25, of Woodbridge, Va., he began cursing and yelling at the officers and attempted to leave the scene. As officers attempted to arrest Kargbo, several other members in the disorderly group began to yell at police and act in a threatening manner, according to police reports.



  1. funny how the only video the "victims" released was edited. Where is the full video?

    And lets also ask who officially declared this an "emergency c-section?" She was 9 months pregnant, she was due any minute to begin with. Did the hospital come out and declare it an emergency? Doubt it since they cant discuss patient information. Really, any birth would be an emergency.

  2. Let their stupid A$$es stay in Va.

  3. Brian Dayton said...
    Let their stupid A$$es stay in Va.

    July 25, 2013 at 9:55 PM

    I prefer that they go back to their own country and treat the citizens and cops the same way. Something tells me their would have been a much different outcome.t

    Now we have one more illegal born on American soil so it can call America it's home. More welfare.

  4. I think they (the victims) have a lawsuit.
    It's a pure and simple case of profiling.
    Not racial profiling, but "being an obnoxious total jerk" profiling.

  5. Its just the way of the world now, Common now we all know it was a Racist issue. All Sharpton will be down to provide the information. THey were profiled becuase they were black

  6. family town? lmao family of illiterate law breaking anti social misfits! this is why I don't go down to oc any more! cause this is the type of trash that has taken over down there.

  7. Anyone who is going to be loud and disruptive and use foul language needs to stay in their own neighborhoods. We don't need it nor do we want it. You are not welcome in Ocean City.
    These "people" belong in an insane asylum if they think for one second any lifeguard is going to stop guarding his beach and walk over to them for no reason. We weren't born yesterday.
    Then to go on and tape and release to the public something in which you yourself and your cohorts were acting like completely uncivilized freaks really goes to show the level of incivility these types have sunk to.

  8. More reason why I choose to go elsewhere for my family vacation. The animals have taken over Ocean City!


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