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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Obamacare's Employer Mandate Delayed A Year

After months of complaints and backlash, the administration is delaying what's called the "employer mandate" under the Affordable Care Act.

The mandate requires companies with more than 50 full-time employees to offer health insurance or pay a $2,000 penalty - but that rule is being suspended for a year until January of 2015. Most U.S. businesses with more than 50 employees already offer insurance, but the smaller, often startup, companies that do not complained loudly about the 21-page application required.

In an announcement from the Treasury Department on Tuesday, the administration said its decision was "designed to meet two goals," including reducing the amount of paperwork and working with small-company employers who were threatening layoffs or reduced hours in order to report a workforce of fewer than 50 people.



  1. Another failure from Obama.
    Is America really going to stand by idle and watch this Marxist dismantle our country?

  2. "Is America really going to stand by idle and watch this Marxist dismantle our country?"

    Yes. The average American has been so dumbed down they can't think forwardly to the consequences of any action much less something a bit complicated.

  3. I really wish Americans would do what Egypt just did - Morsi is no longer their President with his Muslim ways - now it's our turn to do the same in Washington, DC.

  4. Don't want to piss off voter until after mid term elections.

  5. Here's an idea, LETS ABOLISH IT!!!

  6. obama doesn't care about the impact on people or businesses. The real reason for the delay is the mid term elections. Democrats are really worried how this health care mess will impact them for re-election. That's the only reason.

  7. The health care law CANNOT be trumped by executive order. Its the law. How in the hell can a president (by a mere flick of his pen) decide which PARTS of the law he will abide by? Its too late for that now. Of course, this president is used to deciding what laws (immigration, gun control, press freedoms and many others) he will enforce. He wants to be King and in the process, wants us to be "subjects" and not free citizens. I think he's lying about his history as a "constitutional professor".


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