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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Obamacare's Cost Of Control

There is a strong push currently being made by advocates of Obamacare to convince Americans it is the best thing that has ever happened to this country. Even celebrities are being trotted out by the White House to tell us how lucky we are to be forced into a system that is both built on promises that were never intended to be kept, and one that is ethically and morally bankrupt that they, members of Congress and other cronies of the elite will never have to use.

The truth about Obamacare that no one will tell you is it is NOT about healthcare it is about centralized government control:

1. It is about control of 1/6 of the economy.

All working Americans will have to either submit proof of insurance or enter an exchange. In order to be compliant an individual who enters the exchange will have to submit their tax return, their social security number, their employers tax ID, banking account information, their address, and telephone number. The information is kept on file for several years. If employment changes the following year and a person ends up making more money and pricing out of the government supplement, an individual will have to pay the government back. Say goodbye to the tax return and say hello to the incentive to work as little as possible in order to be eligible for government assistance.



  1. Obama is a Socialist and even now the Democrats and unions are seeing it. This Marxist must be stopped now. How much longer is Congress going to pot up with it?

  2. It's dead! Everybody now sees that it was a mistake. 150,000 union workers; HALF the present workforce says they want out. These are the exact ones who pushed it through!

    Defund, denounce, repeal. It's over. Done and burnt.

  3. These people your claiming will ride the system are choosing to do that now anyway. These leaches are not paying their way now. By forcing the deadbeats to fork over part of the $5,000-$10000 grand they get back on a tax return every spring at least society as a whole would benefit. They don't pay their medical bills now. They don't have insurance now. They don't work or even pay bills. Heck, they don't even pay for their own food. I hate the users as much as anyone. I'm just saying if we have to continue to give all this money every year to deadbeats at the very least we should force them to pay their own way medically. If you want to have 10 babies with 15 different unknown baby-daddies fine . We will be taking back some of your free money come tax time. Who doesn't have health insurance? People who don't care about the future or have no intention or means to ever repay any kind of hospital bill. There would be no healthcare system if we all carried this same attitude. Users need to become consumers. It's ironic that a government mandate that would infringe on ones civil liberties could reduce the federal deficit long term. Forcing the losers to pay their own way can't be a totally bad thing. The right and the left both hate this bill. That might actually be a good thing.

  4. The problem with your logic 2:46 is that we currently now have Medicaid. A better bill would have made the deadbeats enroll in that and then pay their fair share towards that instead of burdening us with higher premiums with our private insurers to cover them.
    There were literally a million better and workable ways to go about healthcare reform and this bill was no where close to being it.
    This bill was written by insurance companies as a way to line their pockets. Plain and simple. Obama is a slave, always has been and always will be and if the black community had any sense they would be ashamed that he is what they consider the best there is to offer. It's unbelievable that they can have such low low standards. No wonder the majority of their neighborhoods aren't fit for cockroaches to live in.


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