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Friday, July 19, 2013

Obama: I "Refused To Let Detroit Go Bankrupt"


  1. Not his fault, don't you hear him say there had been 30 years of neglect before his policies were implemented? Oh wait, his policies are what's causing Detroit to implode..... Never mind.

  2. Just more BS. Now watch him "bail out" Detroit because it's too big to fail.

  3. Shoulda let them fold to begin with.The natural rythym was upset with the bailout.

  4. Let his friends the "Radical Muslims" take over it for a $1 a Acre.

  5. The idiot thought he could fix 30 years of mistakes by throwing money at it, just like he thinks offshore windmills, bailouts, and otherwise printing money will solve the rest of our problems.

    Gee, the truth hurts when it hits a few cities, and nothing can be done, and you can't argue with math, and then it starts hitting more cities, then states, then... ooooh, CRAP!

    Get ready, folks!


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