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Monday, July 29, 2013

NYC Welfare Food Is Shipped In Barrels To The Dominican Republic - Then Sold On The Black Market

Food-stamp fraud in New York has turned into foreign aid — to black-market profiteers in the Dominican Republic.

Last week, The Post revealed how New Yorkers on welfare are buying food with their benefit cards and shipping it in blue barrels to poor relatives in the Caribbean.

But not everyone is giving the taxpayer-funded fare to starving children abroad. The Post last week found two people hawking barrels of American products for a profit on the streets of Santiago.

“It’s a really easy way to make money, and it doesn’t cost me anything,” a seller named Maria-Teresa said Friday.



  1. When is this country going to wake UP.

  2. Remember
    These are welfare citizens of this country taking working class money and sending the products they purchase overseas. Pure greed and thief.

  3. Anonymous said...
    When is this country going to wake UP.

    July 29, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    When people like you do something about it. Quit sitting back letting it happen.

  4. dittos 3:26. I BET, and i'm not a betting person, that 90% of the people who complain about what is happening in our government; locally, statewide and nationally, don't do one d mn thing about it. all hot air and NO action. if everyone on this blog would actually make a call, email or write and tell others in their circle to do the same; things would change.
    I can say this because I do all that and more whenever possible.
    so get off your butts and stop complaining if you're NOT going do something to make it better. get it???????

  5. 4:59....with all that activity, and I'm not a betting person either, I'm betting that you have influenced, in a dramatic way, the policies, thievery, bribe taking, backroom dealing, favor trading, insider trading, price gouging, lying, tax dodging, elitist slugs that are laughing at your belief that they will actually listen to a citizen. If you aren't bringing a suitcase full of "campaign contributions" (the rest of us call them bribes), or are married to one of their children, then you are delusional. Maryland citizens poured into the streets of Annapolis by the tens of thousands to protest the passing of gun laws that most people didn't want. These slugs PASSED THEM ANYWAY. That's just ONE example and there are a lot more. Further, no one speaks to their "representative". Try calling them. LOL. But don't be too upset and leave a message that's a bit strident or angry --- Homeland Security, the FBI, or the State Police will likely come to your house (or your job) to see if you need any lessons in the way the NEW America works....


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