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Monday, July 15, 2013

No Water For Student

Teachers 'denied schoolboy, 10, water on the hottest day of the year to avoid upsetting Muslim pupils during Ramadan'

Kora Blagden, 32, claimed a teacher at Charles Dickens Primary School, Portsmouth, Hampshire, refused to let her son Luke (pictured) drink from his water bottle because it was unfair to fasting classmates.


  1. Just another example of the falling of america due to not trying to offend people who are not from here. why should we change our actions. fasting is their choice. they have freeoom here. don't take ours away..

  2. Those people chose that religion. It wasn't forced on them. If they want to fast, it should be forced on anyone else.

  3. Fire the teacher now! She is forcing the Muslim religion on this child.

  4. So sad...tell them to go to Mecca, and leave us alone...

  5. This was in England. Why do we care?

  6. ^^^ Correct, it was in England. We should care though, it will come here, as if it already hasn't?

  7. 3:38. Because the Muslim cult is trying to take over the world. And, you have a President that supports the movement.

  8. dear Charles dickens school, Charles dickens would be very angry at you for your stupid stand on this incident. do you realize how completely idiotic this is? you are so government school indoctrinated, so clueless, mindless and a follower of all that makes no sense. your a mush mind at best. the parents of this school need to get their children out asap and the staff and teachers should get a job picking fruit or washing dishes or something. ( don't get me wrong, these jobs are honorable as my husband picked fruit and I washed dishes), but at least they would not be harming children and this country.

  9. This Muslim crap is getting out of hand!!

    Please America I am ready to war with the Liberal Morons, the bottom dwellers!

  10. WTF is wrong with us; as long as we allow this to continue, it will.

  11. This is a school, which to my understanding is a place to educate students to deal with their next 50 years.

    Sorry to see that they all need to just kneel down for the gunshot.

  12. 5:23, you may get your wish, word on the street is July 19 Friday is "white night" for the Black Panther thug ghetto types.

  13. Oh great.Now we're trying to run the UK.I see a diversion blitz perpetrated by our own government.Don't take your eye off of the ball.Anything and everything is fair game to steer our attention away from within.


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