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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Taskforce To Help Agencies Use Volunteers To Meet Goals

President Barack Obama announced a new taskforce Monday designed to help agencies achieve their goals by expanding volunteer opportunities.

In a new memorandum, Obama charged the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) with leading the taskforce. The CNCS chief executive and the director of the White House Domestic Policy Council will act as co-chairs. The taskforce will include representatives from 18 government agencies and organizations.



  1. They should start by voluntelling those on welfare and unemployment to show up first!

    The government is already paying these folks to sit around.....

  2. excuse the flip outta me 12:33.
    I didn't chose to be unemployed. Sorry you feel that the inability to get a livable paying job here in the ghetto is my fault and that I am simply being paid to sit around. In fact I can not even get a minimum wage job, since I am "over" qualified. So while I try to figure out how to not become homeless on the small amount I am paid for 6 months. Maybe I should refocus my energy on volunteering, for free mind you, while the CEO's of these non profit organizations are raking in millions. Yea yea that sounds logical. You are a moron.


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