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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Navy To Attempt To Un-Bomb Area It Bombed Accidentally

The Navy is trying something novel. It will attempt to un-bomb an area it bombed by accident. Earlier this month, two Navy AV-8B Harrier jets jettisoned four bombs into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park off the northeast coast of Australia. The bombs did not explode and missed the barrier reef itself. The Seventh Fleet will lead the effort for what it calls the ordnance retrieval mission. Navy officials say they're committed to reversing any adverse environmental impacts the bombs have caused. The flights were part of joint training exercises with the Australian military called Talisman Saber 2013. The training takes place every two years. Navy officials say that until they are recovered, there is virtually no chance of the bombs detonating.


  1. Whose Navy was it, ours?

  2. 5:15 AM
    I'm guess it was the US navy since it says "The flights were part of joint training exercises with the Australian military." referring that it was the US navy and Australian military training.

  3. The bombs did not explode and missed the barrier reef itself.
    No harm No foul.


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