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Sunday, July 07, 2013


Pair who fathered child with surrogate offered him to pedophile ring(LifeSiteNews) Police in Australia have described as “depraved” the case of a six-year-old boy who was sexually abused by his adoptive homosexual “fathers” and other men who were part of an international child-porn syndicate known as the Boy Lovers network.

Authorities in Australia and the US worked together to arrest and charge the men after it emerged that the boy had been offered to men in Australia, the US, France and Germany for sexual exploitation and the production of child pornography from a very young age.



  1. So what do you have to say about this Chuck Cook and Mare Ireton!

  2. Any comments from O'Malley and the liberal Democrats on this? Oh, this is just an isolated incident because gay people are not sick!

  3. There's a bad apple in every barrel.

  4. Just shoot em.End of discussion.

  5. absolutely No Surprise here.

    1. Ditto, 100% in agreement with you 12:35pm! They're sin filled, sexually perverse beings, why should anyone be surprised?

  6. Anonymous said...
    There's a bad apple in every barrel.

    July 6, 2013 at 12:23 PM

    Unfortunately this happens all the time. There are more bad apples than not. Nice try though.

  7. This is why homosexuals should not have kids . I would never trust my kids around a homosexual. Homosexuals are sick and perverted and right down nasty. I know it is confusing for a child to have 2 moms or 2 dads or if you have a man that is drag queen or A woman that thinks she is a man. Homosexuals just have mental issues.

  8. Many heterosexual people have done the same thing. It's not a gay issue it's a people issue. Children are exploited everyday just in this country. Just because these two gay people did this you guys just latch on and blame all gays. Where is the outrage at all the monsters that live amongst us that use children for pleasure and profit.

  9. Needs to be outlawed just like Russia just did.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Many heterosexual people have done the same thing. It's not a gay issue it's a people issue. Children are exploited everyday just in this country. Just because these two gay people did this you guys just latch on and blame all gays. Where is the outrage at all the monsters that live amongst us that use children for pleasure and profit.

    July 6, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    Heterosexual people don't have sex with kids, sick people do. What kind of sick homo are you trying to make it sound OK for your kind to have sex with kids.

    To prove you are sick you obviously aren't paying attention. We are outraged when you "monters" amongst us have sex with children. Please go crawl back under your rock.

  11. Hey 1:23 PM gay people are monsters. Just many of them are sugar coated.

  12. 2:17 I happen to be a heterosexual woman that works with children that have been sexually molested. Most children are molested by heterosexual men. Yes they are sick but they are not gay. Boys and girls are molested most often by someone they know and trust. We live in a very sick immoral world but its on both sides of the fence and its you my friend that needs to crawl back under a Rock.

  13. I have more to worry about then what other people are doing. Don't you? map

    1. you are gay ...rite. if u dont care that a innocent boy was molested for years, then maybe u should crawl under a rock as well.

  14. Anonymous said...
    I have more to worry about then what other people are doing. Don't you? map

    July 6, 2013 at 8:28 PM

    Really? You think it's OK for Homo's to abuse little boys and you would just worry about your own little problems?

  15. All this sudden care for children. My My. What about all the kids molested by Priest? Where's the great out pouring of concern?

    1. ALL pedophiles, straight or queer should be put to death the moment they are found out. Death, not jail. Give them NO chance to reoffend. Second chance you say? Hell NO! Kill'em. If they knew that death would be their punishment pedophilia would dry up instantly. Old saying, step on me once, it's your fault, step on me twice, it's mine.

  16. Coming to America and your neighborhood.


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