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Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Group of kids who walk to class with adult chaperones
(CNSNEWS) — First Lady Michelle Obama is promoting walking to school as part of her anti-obesity campaign.

In remarks to mayors gathered at the White House last week, the first lady singled out Knox County, Tenn., which – inspired by Mrs. Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign — has created a bike-share program and something called a “walking school bus.”

“I’ve heard more and more of this kind of walking school bus happening all over the country — so that kids can get exercise on the way to school, kind of like we did when we were growing up,” she said.



  1. yes mochelle you can lead the way, everyday

  2. Give predators a chance, Make your kids walk to school! Lets light candles.

  3. Maybe we can get walking high speed rail while we're at it. That would be 'shovel ready'!

  4. why didnt she walk to africa on her $100 million vacation?

  5. Michelle Obama is so stupid. Walking to school for little children will increase the amount of kidnappings. Kids this days doesn't look both ways while crossing the road. also some people live about 4 miles away from there schools. this means that the kids have to leave early around 6 am to get to school on time. Next there aren't sidewalks every where so sometimes the kids have to walk on the streets chances are they are going to get hit by a car. Why can't she think about the details. Her thoughts are kids walk to school and they lose weight. Also parents have things to do unlike her.


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