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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Maryland Dig Seeks Proof Of First Free Black Community

Archaeology students have been sifting through a little patch of ground on Maryland's Eastern Shore this summer, seeking evidence that it was home to the nation's first free African-American community.

Historians say hundreds of free blacks once lived in the area, while plantations flourished with hundreds of black slaves not far away.

The students from the University of Maryland, College Park, and Morgan State University have been digging behind what is now the Women's Club of Talbot County. The building, part of which dates to at least 1793, was home to three free non-white residents, according to the 1800 Census.



  1. According to everything I've seen on TV over the last 50 years they still don't think they are free.

  2. Why does everything have to be about black people these days. Have you noticed that most movies these days has to have a black co-star, but a there are so many black movies with no white stars.

    Travel guides have black families on the covers. Nothing is about white people anymore and whites are still the majority of the population.

  3. PRACTICE ON THE RANGEJuly 28, 2013 at 4:00 PM

    Obama and Holder want a race war

  4. Yep it's all about the black folk. White Americans are to stupid to know what is going on.

  5. Thanks for this post. True history is what we need to put a propper light on current situations and conditions. When we don't know history we make unnecessary mistakes and judgements.
    Research and see who the first person to own a slave in the US was...Who is the only race of people to fight a war to end slavery...and that less than 5% of white folk actually owned slaves.
    A lot to be learned that is not taught in our schools that can help us today to put things in perspective and help bring healing to our nation. A house divided won't stand.

  6. But that divided house will remain divided for the rest of my life and yours.Unfortunate but true.

  7. 905 agree with your sentiment. But are you implying that only one race fought the civil war?

  8. I don't get it? Two colleges are wasting valuable resources trying to prove something about a view black people, but the entire town of Easton is historic and why aren't they doing historic excavations throughout the town?

    Funny that the UofMd let Morgan State in on the dig.


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