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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Let Them Starve: Gitmo Swindlers Strike Again

World Crisis Alert: Guantanamo Bay detainees don’t want to eat. Muslim rapper Yasiin “Mos Def” Bey is so worked up about their appetite plight that he videotaped himself being force-fed to build support for closing Gitmo. Cry me a river.

This latest round of hunger strikes isn’t an international human rights tragedy. It’s another manipulative act of Jihad Theater.

Have you forgotten? Calculated Gitmo fabulism goes back to 2005, when Newsweek fell for false rumors that U.S. soldiers “flushed” the Koran down a toilet at the military detention facility in Cuba. Gullible media reports of “desecration” provided a handy pretext for anti-American riots across the Muslim world that resulted in nearly a dozen deaths. Detainees later ‘fessed up that the conflagration stemmed from one of their own dropping the Koran in prison and blaming a guard.



  1. give them a toothpick and be done with it.

  2. Saves money not having to feed them

  3. How could a detainee videotape himself? Just wondering how this was done.

  4. Read first, then comment, 708.

  5. these are the people that have vowed to kill us. if they do not want to eat fine.

  6. They can't starve themselves if they're already dead. Just sayn

  7. Force feed them pork products.

  8. I have little sympathy for these people, but they should either be charged and tried in a court of law or released back where they were captured. By keeping them locked up without judicial process we lower ourselves to their culture's level.


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