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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Lady Gaga Changes Words To The National Anthem at NYC Gay Pride Rally

Lady Gaga returned to the spotlight this week after spending a few months laying low following her hip surgery and canceled world tour. Mother Monster helped kick off New York’ Gay Pride Parade by taking the stage at Friday’s kickoff rally to offer some heartfelt words of support to the LGBT community.

“It’s my LGBT friends and fans who always said to me, I knew Lady Gaga when,” the singer said. “Well, look who the star is now. Now I get to say that I knew you when. When you suffered, when you felt unequal, when you felt there was nothing to look forward to.” Gaga then launched into the National Anthem, clutching a rainbow flag. At the end of her rendition, she changed up the lyrics a bit, replacing “star-spangled banner” with “ ”star-spangled flag of pride” and “home of the brave” with “home for the gays.” Not surprisingly, the crowd went wild.



  1. Just take her out and shoot her. She is as bad as Jane Fonda. No class, what-so-ever.

  2. Sign of the times, the last days of this country. Mark my words time is short. Go ahead scoffers take your best shot, I'm predicting by late summer you will get your wake up call.

  3. Free speech and all the rest but using this song was disgraceful and obscene.

  4. Yea it's free speech, but it's nothing but disgracing those who've paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. USA used to be the proudest/best nation in the world, now we're the laughing stock. If the gays want to have their own National Anthem so be it that's fine, but don't disgrace our National Anthem. We're a victim of the society we live in.....

  5. Her record label should show her the door!

  6. I like that idea. She is a singer so maybe she should write a song just for them and leave our anthem alone.

  7. She could give White trash a bad name.

  8. This freak of a woman ought to be ashamed of herself.She is a disgrace herself. These homosexuals basically shoved there perverted down the throats of Americans.

  9. 6:38 Really have to question your Freudian choice of words. Something you need to question about yourself?


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