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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Huffington Post Feminist Proposes A Sex Strike Against Men Until They Back Abortion

Texas Women: Stop Having Sex With Men Who Vote Against Your Best Interests

As a native Texan, and someone who has survived 100-plus-degree temperatures for many summers, I can tell you, this summer in Texas is surely going to be hotter than usual. Sultry, sweaty summers can be made much nicer when good old-fashioned sex is part of the picture. But women, take heed: Don’t give in if your man, boyfriend, husband, toyboy is not voting for your best interests, your reproductive health — do not sleep with that man! I don’t care how cute or charming he is! I don’t care if he is your husband of many years. Resist! Go swimming! Meditate!

Do not make him dinner, do not go fetch him a cold beer from the fridge, do not iron that shirt, hell, do not change that diaper… do not make his life a little nicer this summer if he does not “get it” and learn to respect women! Instead, volunteer some time for senators like Wendy Davis, go with a group of women to Austin and make your voices heard. Get on the computer and the social networks and organize.

Remember that you live in a state where it would not be unusual (and I have seen it) to see a bumper sticker on a pickup truck which reads, “My Wife Yes, My Dog Maybe, My Gun Never.” Remember what happened last time when a Texas good ole boy governor took that patriarchy all the way to become President of the United States. Stop the damage now and take back Texas.



  1. regarding the second paragraph, How is that different from any other day?

  2. well good, no sex and there won't be any pregnancies and no need for abortions. win win

  3. I'm sure going to miss her.Be going fishing more though,doesn't sound that bad.

  4. I'm with 1:03 no sex no killing babies.

  5. Those so called "feminists" that are proposing this boycott generally don't need to worry about any man wanting to have sex with them. Have you looked at them?

  6. Look im no angel..but the moral here is dont have sex out of wedlock..if we only followed that one simple rule think of benefits.solves a big chuck the aborotion..welfare...education..health care problems

  7. I guess the men are going to have to go gay.

  8. Hell, if it wasn't for beer, some women would never get sex.

  9. for those of you with women that are stupid...stop giving them money! other whores will put out. take a stand of your own!

  10. LMBO... That isn't going to happen. Women love sex more than men do and can't do without.

  11. Or become catholic.

  12. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 5, 2013 at 8:37 PM

    B.E.E.R. helping ugly people to have sex for more than 100 years. Now, if no one has sex, there would not be any abortions. Brilliant! This feminist is a "real genius". Say what, she is a democ-rat? That explains a lot right there.

  13. The Huffington Post....


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