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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Has Your Dignity Also Been Abolished?

During a routine traffic stop, Leila Tarantino was allegedly subjected to two roadside strip searches in plain view of passing traffic, while her two children—ages 1 and 4—waited inside her car. During the second strip search, presumably in an effort to ferret out drugs, a female officer “forcibly removed” a tampon from Tarantino. No contraband or anything illegal was found.

A North Carolina public school allegedly strip-searched a 10-year-old boy in search of a $20 bill lost by another student, despite the fact that the boy, J.C., twice told school officials he did not have the missing money. The assistant principal reportedly ordered the fifth grader to disrobe down to his underwear and subjected him to an aggressive strip-search that included rimming the edge of his underwear. The missing money was later found in the school cafeteria.

Suspecting that Georgia Tech alum Mary Clayton might have been attempting to smuggle a Chik-Fil-A sandwich into the football stadium, a Georgia Tech police officer allegedly subjected the season ticket-holder to a strip search that included a close examination of her underwear and bra. No contraband chicken was found.



  1. There's 3 law suits in the making.

  2. Obviously people are going to have to resort to more persuasive means to get the point across.
    Losing lawsuits does not phase corrupt police.

  3. I believe everyone of those that participated in these illegal strip searches should be strip searches for a local television station. The airing of that just one time will get more attention than could be imagined.

  4. All the police officers, including campus police, and the school officials who did these things should all be fired immediately. No severence pay, no administrative leave, no nothing. Just fired.

  5. Stop sneaking food into sport games.


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