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Friday, July 19, 2013

Gitmo Detainees Seek Court Order Allowing Communal Prayer

A group of hunger-striking detainees at Guantánamo Bay is contesting the U.S. government’s refusal to let them pray communally during Ramadan.

A number of prisoners began a hunger strike in February in protest of their indefinite detention at the Cuba facility. Since then, some have been force-fed and kept in solitary confinement over their refusal to eat, lawyers for the prisoners argue.

Ten days into the Islamic holy month of prayer and fasting, they are demanding a federal court injunction lifting the restrictions and allowing the men to pray together. 



  1. They have zero rights, screw them.

  2. They are criminals. They have no rights. Just let them starve themselves to death and be done with it.

  3. It will be Guantánamo Bay Spa and religious retreat when Obama is done with it.

  4. But I'm hungry because I refuse food.

    And I know you can't let me die.

    Ooops, you are cutting off what?

  5. Call aclu & tell them not to allow this group prayer since it's offensive.

  6. 1. Create a big hole in Detroit
    2. Drop Gitmo in hole
    3. Bury
    4. ??????
    5. Profit


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