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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Feds Plan To Map Every Neighborhood To Help Overcome ‘Historic Patterns Of Segregation’

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published a new “fair housing” regulation to ensure “every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of,” CNSNews.com reports.

The new guidelines are reportedly intended to help individual communities understand “fair housing barriers” and “establish clear goals” for “improving integrated living patterns and overcoming historic patterns of segregation.”

“This proposed rule represents a 21st century approach to fair housing, a step forward to ensuring that every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of – where they have a fair shot at reaching their full potential in life,” HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said.



  1. I am so happy that I can now leave this horrible waterfront property to live in Salisbury. I doubt that without the government's help that I would have known about the wonderful ability to integrate to a new community that I can feel proud of.

  2. sound like to me they want to know where everyone is at all times...

  3. So does anyone know what that red plane was doing yesterday? It had a red nose and props and flew low over parts of Wicomico for hours. Would love to know who or what that was.

  4. it was Snoopy looking for the Red Baron...

  5. Anyone living in a neighborhood... prepare your angus. You're about to watch your new neighbor move into a house that is equal to yours, only they pay nothing.

    Some great articles on this out there.

    So glad to live in the sticks.

  6. The higher income, working people move out of the low income crime areas only to have the government, and developers, move the low income areas right back into the high income areas. All in the name of diversity.

    F that. Good luck suburbanites!


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