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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

FDA Finally Realizes Maybe It’s Time To Do A Better Job Of Improving The Safety Of Imported Foods

Perhaps your kitchen is only stocked with locally sourced organic food, but around 15% of what Americans eat — including half the fresh fruit, one-fifth of fresh veggies and 80% of fish — comes from around 150 different countries. So, finally getting around to implementing changes mandated by the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), the Food and Drug Administration has proposed a couple rules aimed at beefing up controls on imported edibles.
The first major rule change proposed by the FDA gives U.S. food importers guidelines for verifying that their suppliers’ food meets U.S. food safety requirements. Importers would be required to identify the specific hazards associated with each type of food they bring in and take proactive measures to minimize these risks.


  1. FDA should really monitor foods since some fishes is now dangerous to eat because of the radiation in Japan that is effecting them.

  2. I will continue producing and processing my own food, thanks.

  3. a little slow on the uptake as usual. never depend on the government to do anything, let alone anything right...

  4. Start with fish that is labeled one thing and is really another. Every sushi and Chinese restaurant is doing that as well as the grocery store.

  5. 2:41 Everyone should educate themselves, to be better consumers... but we're a lazy society (for the most part). Knowing, and recognizing what meat should look like would keep everyone on their toes, but they don't have to be. Pork shouldn't be "the other white meat", as it's red and looks more like venison... the more red, the fresher it is.

    Most restaurants substitute talapia (trash fish and super cheap) for flounder (harder to get and more expensive), yet people still pay $20 for something they're not even eating.

    I've even had false rockfish here on the shore... when it's bountiful around here.

    Restaurants are going cheap, cheating the consumers by buying nearly expired meats, falsely labeling meat, etc.

    Most eggs people buy, they think they're getting something when buying "brown", or "organic", or "Omega3", etc... but they're mostly 30-45 days old. We're probably close to the chicken capital, and people settle for subpar chicken, and chicken eggs?

    Wake up. Most of those things above are why our kids get diagnosed with add or adhd, from that extra processing, and loss of vital nutrients we EXPECT in our food, but is not being delivered. And, the FDA can be bought just as fast as any politician out there.

    It's a shame, really.

  6. Yeh 4:43..the FDA is poisionig us slowly by approving the crap they call food..this has led to an increase in cancer.. diease.. ADD.. obesity...mental diease..etc..on the other end they approve drugs that string us out for BIG PHARMA to take all our money..hell why would they want this gravey train to end...feed us poision to weaken our genes and more poison to make make us feel better but cure nothing..

  7. looooooong overdue!

  8. 80% of the antibiotics sold in this country are used in factory farming. When you buy the so called name brand meats and poultry you are eating nothing but antibiotic and other chemical and solution laced junk.


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