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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ex-Police Chief Claims He Was Pressured And Then Fired For Not Arresting George Zimmerman

Former Sanford, Fla., police chief Bill Lee on CNN Wednesday claimed he was fired last year because he refused to arrest George Zimmerman just to appease an outraged public. Hey says there wasn’t enough evidence to warrant an arrest in the killing of Trayvon Martin, a fact that didn’t matter to some city officials.

When he refused to make the arrest, Lee claims he was fired from his position after just 10 months on the job. Officials argued they let Lee go because the public and elected officials had lost trust in him.

“I had one of the city commissioners come to me on two different occasions and say, ‘All we want is an arrest.’ And I explained to them, ‘Well, you just can’t do that, you have to have probable cause to arrest somebody.’ And it was related to me that they just wanted an arrest, they didn’t care if it got dismissed later. And you don’t do that,” Lee told CNN’s George Howell.

When asked how Zimmerman was able to remain free for 40 days after shooting Martin, Lee said the evidence just wasn’t there.



  1. All this just to appease a bunch of ignoramus'. Sharpton said at one of the Martin rallies pre Zimmerman arrest-
    "Don't talk to us like we stupid"
    "Don't talk to us like we "ignant""

    You all are stupid and you all are "ignant." This trial was a fiasco. No evidence whatsoever.
    No wonder people are racists. Time to look in the mirror at what brings racism on-stupidity and "ignance" as evidenced by this display of exploitation of Trayvon Martin. If these people who pushed and support this had a brain they would be embarrassed.

  2. Defense presents FACTS and well documented EVIDENCE.

    Prosecution presents EMOTIONAL and SOCIAL MEDIA DRIVEN appeals.

    There is zero case against Zimmerman for Murder 2 or manslaughter. It is not illegal to follow someone.

    Zimmerman and his lawyers should go HAM and rake in cash once this circus is over. All the way to the White House. You want to run your mouth, in an attempt to ruin someones life? Good, now that it's been proven that he was innocent, step up and be accountable.

  3. Was it a police chief or a Sheriff? The other day there was a story about a sheriff involving this case?? There is a big difference in the two.

  4. If Z. did profile so what! Private citizens have the right to profile if they choose. Besides he had a reason. It was "Trayvons" who were coming into that neighborhood, robbing and terrifying residents. One lady testified as to 2 "Trayvons" broke into her home while she was there hiding in a bedroom with her infant on one arm and scissors in her other hand.
    Z. had every right to be suspicious of M. It wasn't white kids who were coming into this neighborhood crapping it up like they've done to their own.

  5. The police chief, he was, and the city manager and mayor allowed the Martin family to hear the 911 call before they turned it over to police as evidence. The police chief that was fired said that he wouldn't have allowed that. I hope Zimmerman is acquitted, my guns are loaded.

  6. Not saying that GZ was guilty, but seems pretty clear that a weapon and enough evidence to evoke the suspicion that zimmerman tracked TM down (again, suspicion, not proof) should have warranted an arrest.

  7. "enough evidence to evoke the suspicion that zimmerman tracked TM down (again, suspicion, not proof) should have warranted an arrest."

    Arrested for WHAT? No laws were broken until Martin attacked Zimmerman. You people just don't get that the thug initiated the violence and Z responded in self-defense.

  8. He was doing exactly what he had been trained by POLICE to do as a neighborhood watch citizen. He was communicating constantly with them, He was following the law in every way.
    Travon was pissed at a cracker and confronted him. That was in the texts the state would NOT allow as evidence.
    Kangaroo court no matter what the outcome. Justice will not be served.

  9. I disagree. Justice was served the night Zimmerman slayed his attacker.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Not saying that GZ was guilty, but seems pretty clear that a weapon and enough evidence to evoke the suspicion that zimmerman tracked TM down (again, suspicion, not proof) should have warranted an arrest.

    July 12, 2013 at 5:35 PM

    I really don't understand your thinking. A gun and evidence? What evidence? He wasn't arrested because there was NO EVIDENCE to warrant it. Or don't you believe the police chief at the time this occurred?

    There is still NO EVIDENCE that would have warranted an arrest. The arrest that did occur was politically motivated.

    The chief refused to arrest Z because there was no probable cause. He told the city council members this. They didn't care. They insisted an arrest be made, not caring it would be dismissed later.

    The chief stood his ground, kept his integrity and got fired for it.

    Then they brought in another chief who would do their bidding and searched for a prosecutor who would take it to trial.

    All these things were done to appease a certain group, we all know which.

    It has turned into a nationwide soap opera, a case with no standing. Just to quiet down this group and trying to avoid any disturbance.

    Which is likely to happen anyway. No matter the verdict, guilty or innocent, I'm betting they riot just because they can and WANT to.

    They want to burn, they want to steal, they want to hurt somebody,(preferably a cracker), they want to do these things just because.

    They don't really care about the verdict or the case. It is just a vehicle for them to use to carry out their own vicious lusts.

    This is a continuation of a pattern they have employed for decades.

    Only this time, there is an equal, or greater, opposition group prepared to meet them.

    If they jump and start something like a riot, it will be met head on and it will turn ugly. Deadly ugly.

    Just as some in one group are looking forward to riot, there are some in the opposing group looking forward for them to give them an excuse to react.

    If those city council members, (politicians), had listened to their own police chief, not cowed down to pressure from our DOJ, not buckled under from the ignorant racist individuals who insisted on an arrest, there would be no arrest, let alone a sham of a trial.

    IF Z gets convicted, it will be to avert unrest. Again, political motivation.

    There will be no justice unless Z walks. And when that happens, there is going to be trouble.

    Maybe that's what obammy (politician) wants. Then he can impose martial law. More rights taken away, a curfew, more abuses of the law.

    All because some kid tried to be more man than he was, and some politicians wanting to take the easy way out.

    They will be safe and well guarded. WE will be the ones to bear the brunt of any unrest and made to pay for their cowardice.

    Evidence? What evidence?

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I disagree. Justice was served the night Zimmerman slayed his attacker.

    July 12, 2013 at 9:06 PM

    Come on man. Don't try to sound more intelligent than you are and use words that you don't understand and in the wrong manner.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    Not saying that GZ was guilty, but seems pretty clear that a weapon and enough evidence to evoke the suspicion that zimmerman tracked TM down (again, suspicion, not proof) should have warranted an arrest.

    July 12, 2013 at 5:35 PM"

    It is not against the law in this country for someone to "track" someone if in fact Z. did. As a matter of fact Z. had every right in the world to track and to profile M. as a private citizen.
    This all can be turned around also. If someone believes M. attacked Z. because he was frightened of Z. then M. profiled.

  13. Wonder if he'll get his job back if Zimm is aquitted? If it was me,or if I were him,I would go for backpay.I think that requires returning to the job that one has been terminated from for a short period of time.After they get their backpay they can quit and go elsewhere for employment.

  14. >>>Come on man. Don't try to sound more intelligent than you are and use words that you don't understand and in the wrong manner.<<<

    Glad to see that you practice as you preach. I'm certain that you are every bit as stupid as your post would imply.

  15. Glad to see that you practice as you preach. I'm certain that you are every bit as stupid as your post would imply.

    July 13, 2013 at 10:31 AM

    don't get mad, just be yourself. We all know what name calling implies, so you've lost before you began. But I got broad shoulders, I can handle your drivel. I love classy responses such as yours.

  16. JESUS help these people. You cant get into heaven with hatred in your heart...and if u don't believe in JESUS CHRIST well get yourself in order.

  17. No hatred just the facts. JESUS needs to help you to either see the light on this travesty or to get out of your denial.
    If anyone needs Jesus it's Trayvon's parents who were led around the nose by the race baiters and allowed their son to be exploited by them.

  18. 11:44 We get you can handle drivel" since instead of posting back with a defense the first time all you did was post drivel. You know the comments are spot on and have nothing concrete to counter with so you posted drivel.

  19. Recognize these words, 11:44?

    "Don't try to sound more intelligent than you are"

    That was your snarky, arrogant attempt to belittle another poster on this board. Don't get your panties in a bunch when you start crap-talking and someone calls you on it.

  20. Imitation is the most sincere form of admiration.If that's the case,then you guys who keep repeating each others comments must seriously admire each other.There,now that I've said something really stupid it's your turn.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:44 We get you can handle drivel" since instead of posting back with a defense the first time all you did was post drivel. You know the comments are spot on and have nothing concrete to counter with so you posted drivel.

    July 13, 2013 at 1:47 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Recognize these words, 11:44?

    "Don't try to sound more intelligent than you are"

    That was your snarky, arrogant attempt to belittle another poster on this board. Don't get your panties in a bunch when you start crap-talking and someone calls you on it.

    July 13, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    Sorry, I don't have a clue what you two? are talking about. But that's ok, I don't think you do either.

  22. That was your snarky, arrogant attempt to belittle another poster on this board. Don't get your panties in a bunch when you start crap-talking and someone calls you on it.

    July 13, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    Called who on what? He misused a word and he was called on it. Then he comes back with an insult. He or you does not need any help being belittled. You do a fine job all by yourself.

    Atypical of todays society. Instead of acknowledging and correcting a problem, look for someone else to blame and attack.

    You guys should run for office, you would fit right in with the rest of them. Unbelievable.

  23. 4:22-Blogs are not for calling someone out whey they misuse a word. Everyone gets the meaning. You call someone out when they misrepresent, lie or you have a differing opinion.
    Those who feel compelled to use such tactics are those who are mad because they haven't a counter to the comment, they know it's correct and they are thoroughly PO'd. If it really is grammar/spelling you are concerned with there are plenty blogs/message boards/etc that would better suit your compulsion.

  24. Did you poll everyone to see if they all understood the meaning? Blogs are for discussing different issues, ideas and opinions.

    If you cannot be clear in your discussion things get lost, misunderstood and inaccurate.

    If you want to assume you think you know what someone means, that's on you. Myself, I like to be as factual as I can and not rely on rumors. I realize that may go against the grain of many on here, but it's the better way to communicate.

    If you want to talk gibberish, slang or kiddie talk, I'm sure they are blogs out there for that. Enjoy.


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