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Wednesday, July 03, 2013


Egypt’s military chief says President Morsi has been replaced by the chief justice and the constitution has been temporarily suspended.



  1. I wish America's Military would grow some nads and oust Obammie...

  2. Wait. Obammi is making a statement of threats to bring back Morsi. NObammi is really is SATAN's SPAWN!!!

  3. obammie loved this guy. Even had him at the white house

  4. The Egyptian people have showed the foolish little man just what they think of his favorite for leadership in Egypt. Islamists have no place in Egypt a former secular country under Mubarak. If Obama wants to ruin his own country then find but the uneducated foolish little man needs mind his own business.
    Also any American women that support Obama are the worst of the worst, putrid horrible women for not speaking out against the muslim brotherhood who give animals more rights than woman. It's no wonder the inner cities are mostly democrat and children killing children and crime and poverty. They are mostly democrat and the woman who support this are simpletons not worthy to breath the same air as those whose country like Egypt and Libya Obama ruined.

  5. They're the ones who voted him in, then he bedded down with the extremists. The next election will result in the same outcome.

    Level these places already.

  6. Low voter turnout 12:02. Morsi just didn't then bed down with the extremists. He's always been one himself. MB was banned in Egypt previously.

  7. If you look at the pictures it's clear that the Morsi supporters are in favor of an Islamic government. The women are all wearing a head coverings. On the other hand the anti Morsi crowd is very westernized in dress.
    Many of these women were sexual assaulted by the Islamists who want to teach them a lesson for not bowing to sharia.

  8. Morsi's only agenda for Egypt was islamisation with no concern for economic or other major issues. Very similar to Obama whose only concern is socialization. They are both crazy evil men.

  9. Now if our puppets can do the same.


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