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Sunday, July 21, 2013


On Monday afternoon, the US Department of Justice appealed to civil rights groups and the general public across the country for “tips” on George Zimmerman in their pursuit of potential federal civil rights charges against the just-acquitted defendant in the Trayvon Martin killing. The DOJ actually went so far as to set up an e-mail address to allow such tips: Sanford.florida@usdoj.gov. The email address is slated to go operational by the end of the week.

Barbara Arnwine, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law told the Orlando Sentinel that the DOJ had held a Monday conference call “calling on us to actively refer anyone who had any information” that would help build a case against Zimmerman. "They said they would very aggressively investigate this case,” Arnwine stated.

According to Arnwine, the call began at 3:30 p.m. with Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the United States DOJ, and representatives of the FBI on the line. Several prosecutors joined the call, too. 



  1. This is nothing more then a malicious vendetta launched and muscled by our Hitler's Himmler.

  2. If this doesn't ring of racism and a blatant civil rights violation I don't know what does!!!

  3. Sounds like a witch hunt, pure and simple.

  4. Here's a tip: leave him alone.

  5. Omg, this is scary. I believe they still have that other guy, the filmmaker still locked up as well.

  6. Here's a yip for you Eric-you and your boss are commies and criminals and the country will not be safe until both of you are removed from office and prosecuted.

  7. The State of FL started the criminal case against Zimmerman off by saying "this isn't about race."
    Zimmerman prom date was black. He mentored black children. He was the only light skinned face in the crowd at a candlelight vigil held for a black murder victim (this is on tape). He led a charge to get justice for a black homeless man assaulted by a white son of a cop.
    Now you got this clown who instead of being a real leader and saying "it's over" falls and bows to special interest.

  8. If you don't know "anything" make up stuff.

  9. Are you all ready? cuz the col;lapse is close now...

    Either the dollar will collapse or society from this martin shit...

    Get ready is all I am saying...

  10. TO 7:12. Great comment. Thank you...I had never heard those statements about George before. Those actions by George are very important and definitely show that he was not racist. Why do some of the media ignore his role model behavior?

  11. smokescreen. look for the man behind the curtain.

  12. holder another joke that the blacks can have. I would be mortified if someone so incompetent were of my race. speaks volumes as to why the black communities are in shambles because to a lot of this this guy is great when in reality he is a loser. Even Alan Dershowitz said he is wrong and off base. holder can't hold a candle to the brilliant legal mind of Dershowitz. He's a peon in the legal world.

  13. 8:21-don't be silly. So I guess you are saying Z. was just pretending to be a caring person because he was planning on shooting a black kid and he needed these acts of kindness toward the black community to prove the shooting wasn't race motivated?

  14. What about Zimmerman's right to defend himself from harm?

  15. 8:44. No, I am not saying he was pretending. Reread my 8:21 comment and that is what I am saying. I didn't know those facts about George and his prior actions prove he is not racist.

  16. So sorry 9:13--- I understand now. I took your comment in the wrong context. I took it to mean Zimmerman used the acts of kindness as a smoke screen.

  17. Obama Crooked MotorsJuly 17, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    Here is the tip - leave Zimmerman alone, case is closed. Now, Mr. Holder here is an idea - How about new website where people can send their tips about Operation Fast & Furious? We the people really like to know how our guns ended in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, got any info on that? I would bet there would be whole lot more of "public feedback".

  18. @ 1219, Yes, and let's not forget Benghazi and fast and furious. We need some "public feedback" on that as well.

  19. “We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law!”
    ― Arthur Miller, The Crucible


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