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Friday, July 19, 2013

Did You Know TSA Allows Searches On Valet Parked Cars At The Airport?

Travelers might be accustomed to seeing a little slip or sticker on their checked baggage that states it has been inspected by the TSA, but a New York woman was surprised to find a similar notice inside her vehicle that she had valet parked at the airport.

Laurie Iacuzza returning from a trip and picking up her car at the Greater Rochester International Airport found a yellow piece of paper inside her car that read:
Thank you for your patronage

Your vehicle has been inspected under TSA regulations



  1. The TSA soon will be hiring proctologists that have been forced out of work by Obamacare.
    If you wanna fly, dropem' and spreadem'.
    Meanwhile on the roads... scanner's, camera's,dogs, illegal searches, border patrol in Tennessee? Wha? etc...
    Yeah, we are a police state. For our own good of course. (according to Democrats anyway)

  2. Valet Parking has been ransacking vehicles for a long time. Some are just finding that out. Nothing new.

  3. ;32...are you that naïve? There is a HUGE difference in some part-time valet rifling through your car and an armed government agent doing the same thing. One is just looking to steal. The other is violating the 4th Amendment.

  4. wow, this is great! everyone knows that terrorists trying to keep a low profile ALWAYS use valet parking! this is sure to stop multiple terror plots. (hint: read in a sarcastic tone).

  5. now terrorist will booby trap a parked car. lol.


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