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Monday, July 15, 2013

Demonstration Planned To 'Express Our Outrage' Over Zimmerman Verdict

Baltimore groups are calling on residents to show their outrage over the verdict acquitting George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The People's Power Assembly and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Baltimore held a protest Sunday at McKeldin Square. WBAL-TV reports about 100 demonstrators turned out. Some held signs reading "Justice for All."

Another rally is planned for Monday at 5 p.m. at McKeldin Square.

Protest organizer Steven Ceci says the justice system is riddled with racism and class bias. He says the federal government should file civil rights charges.



  1. I would ask Mr. Ceci what he does for a living? Perhaps he is a paid troublemaker like Obama was before he was elected.

  2. As soon as these people get their own houses in order then they have the right to worry about a white guy. Until then they are dismissed.

  3. I really hope it is a hot day when the demostrate

  4. In a weeks time Marlon Young 39,Marquis Chandler 20,Georgina Randell 30,Ed Cooper 15,Ramone Godfrey 19,Terry Patterson 48,Patricia Martin 40,Jerimiah Milsap 24,Shavonte Howard 20,Aureila wilburn 64,Elliot Frazier 26,Marlon Obanner 31,Steve Mabins 21,Theodis young 36,Ernest McMullen 26,Rayford Brown 24,William Jones 26,Damani Howard 14,Ashley Hardmon 19,Terrance Graves 23,Stephon Miller 18 all lost there lives to a gunshot wound in a small section of Chicago. Now I don't know if they were on there way or had already purchased skittles and a fruit punch but I do know it wasn't a "White Hispanic" who killed them. They were all killed.....surprise by black on black crime and Eric Holder and Obama have yet to say anything about there killers and there should be a demonstration because we are all Travon martin.

  5. Might be to hot at 5 pm today can we schedule for a cooler time?

  6. Excellent guess!
    From 12/10/2009 Workers.org (nice big red star on the page)...
    On the morning of Dec. 9, long-time Baltimore Community activists Sharon Black-Ceci and Steven Ceci were dragged from their home by Baltimore police. The two, long-time leaders in the anti-racist, and poor people’s rights struggle, had been under police surveillance for their political activism. They have each been falsely charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, a felony, and possession of marijuana, a misdemeanor.

    On Nov. 14, while both Sharon Black-Ceci and Steven Ceci were attending a workers’ rights conference in New York City, Baltimore police broke down the door of their Baltimore home purportedly based on mysterious and false reports of heroin being sold from their residence. A roommate, Patrick Allen -- who was present at the time of the police break-in — was arrested and the home was senselessly damaged.

  7. if they had jobs what would they be doing?

    when obama won, we were mad. you said, "get over it! thats the ssytem. you lost!" when zimmerman won, you were mad. care to guess what we say?

  8. You mean the half white Obama,just like the half white Zimmerman?

  9. Just more racist rabble-rousers. I wonder who is paying them to do this??


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