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Sunday, July 14, 2013


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  1. Better hope you never need them Albero. Karma's a bitch.

  2. So this is normal procedure everywhere, not just Salisbury.

  3. Why do all these idiot firemen think its ok to waste tax payer dollars? It is NOT ok. No one that I know of has a tree out back where they can go pick the dollars off the tree - think for a change, do I really need to go get something to eat in this monster or can I call and get something delivered or better yet I'll take something to work with me and maybe use the kitchen to refrigerate, cook or warm up something. Geez. This really goes for the Salisbury firemen - Every single day they are out and about in a monster truck - joy riding or getting something to eat somewhere - STOP IT!!!!!

  4. No excuse for this. They act like teenagers out joy riding and showing off their "wheels".

  5. Wow! Helluva response team there!

  6. Best to keep those emergency vehicles in use.Start them daily and put a couple of miles on them.That insures they'll operate at peak efficiency when an actual emergency arises.

  7. This was actually to greet the 9/10 Allstar baseball team after their District 8 Championship win! It is customary in Delmar to do this for our champs because we support our youth! The firetrucks come out, the kids climb on board and the fans parade around with them hinking horns while many residents blink their front lights on and off. Maybe if some of the surrounding towns tried it, you wouldn't be ending up with babies committing crime! GO DELMAR!!!!

    1. Funny how people always assume the worst. Ignorant comments are the blogs sole failure to being reputable. unlike other places no tax dollars wasted- all volunteers and fundraising here.
      Our community rocks!!! Go Delmar!!

  8. 11:12. Great response.

  9. Someone from out of town sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Obviously,if they were from Delmar they would know that's how we roll.

  10. If they were there to greet the 9/10 All Star team for winning the District title or any hero I really don't have a problem with it.

    Joy riding and an over kill response to a BS call make my skin crawl.

  11. As a resident of Delmar, I don't see much joy riding. I see an ambulance every once in a blue moon at Food Lion. I see them at the gas station fueling. I have never personally seen them at Delmar Pizza, but since it is less than a half mile from the station, I don't really see a problem with that either. As far as taking the football team and other winning teams around town to show some Wildcat pride? No problem here!

  12. I would like to thank the Delmar Fire Department for taking time from their families to support the youth in our community, you guys rock! And to the person who sent in this picture, GET A LIFE, This is WILDCAT COUNTRY!!, Thats how we roll...GO Delmar!!!


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