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Friday, July 26, 2013


The cases are well known: The Colorado baker in trouble because he declined to violate his faith and promote same-sex “marriage” with his work, the Washington florist who made the same decision and the New Mexico photographer who was fined by the state for turning down a request to promote lesbianism with her services.

More and more people who adhere to the biblical definition of marriage are finding themselves in that no-win situation of being forced by “nondiscrimination” laws to endorse and support “alternative lifestyles.”

An attorney whose work on constitutional issues is well known says such conflicts shouldn’t happen. Matt Barber, vice president for Liberty Counsel Action, told WND that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is supreme, and local ordinances that demand people violate its precepts must fall.
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  1. This will help 'political correctness' fall by the wayside - people will (and should) be able to express their opinions as they see fit...not some bonehead in DC!

  2. I love this country and the rights it affords us... one of those rights is the freedom of religion... to practice it, or not to.

    However, one's freedom to practice their religion does not allow them to impose their religious perspective upon other people. Let take this "baker" example for a moment, and the concept of freedom of conscience... or religion.

    The KKKy, who identifies as a Christian organization, confused and incorrect as they may be, opens a bakery and decides that it is against their freedom of religion, of conscience to have to serve blacks or jews. Doing so offends their freedom of religion, their freedom of conscience.

    Muslims open a bakery, and decide that it is against their religious conscience, it offends their freedom of religion to serve infidels, Christians, and Jews.

    Along the argument certain sects of Christians are making, the afforementioned examples of the KKK or Muslims discriminating against others would also have to be supported as "freedom of conscience" or "freedom of religion".

    Just because we have freedom of religion, it DOES NOT give anyone, especially a business owner, the right to discriminate against a citizen acting within the law.

    There is NO substantial argument otherwise.

  3. Being a homosexual is just flat out wrong and nasty!

  4. @9:01

    Just because you declare it so, does not mean it is. You need to justify your statement. Please, to explain WHY it is flat out wrong and nasty?

    Until you do, you may has well have declared that homosexuality is tables and chairs. See? Without backing up, or substantiating your claim, it is basically worthless, meaningless, gobbledygook.


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